
  • 网络Stem apex;shoot apex;stem end
  1. 茎端钙调素(CaM)含量在花序分化前逐渐上升,分化1周时达到高峰,花球发育和膨大过程中逐渐下降。

    The content of Calmodulin ( CaM ) in stem apex went up gradually before the inflorescence differentiation and reached a peak after one week of the inflorescence differentiation , then went down during curd formation .

  2. 雌球果原基与营养茎端在外部形态及内部细胞组织学分区结构有明显差异。

    Morphology and cytohistological zonation appeared different between cone apex and the vegetative shoot apex .

  3. 结果表明:菜心的茎端生长点、菜薹及基茎均存在CTK类物质。

    The results showed that CTK existed in the growing tip , the flowering stalk and the it 's base part .

  4. 同一品种茎端直接生根较愈伤组织根诱导率高,正常根数亦多。

    In a same variety , rooting directly from apexes showed a higher rate than that from callus .

  5. 至第八对叶原基产生后,茎端分生组织才稍微隆起,细胞数目增多。

    At the appearance of the eighth leaf primordia , SAM formed a bulge and had more cells .

  6. 叶片(包括子叶)是茎端分生组织产生的第一类侧生器官,在植物发育中具有重要地位。

    Leaf is the first lateral organ produced by the activity of the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ) .

  7. 冰岛在世界的极北端。弗罗里达南部和西印度群岛的小棕榈树,很像得茎端白枯病的美洲蒲葵。

    Iceland is in the far north of the world . small palm of southern Florida and West Indies closely resembling the silvertop palmetto .

  8. 各种开花诱导途径能激活花分生组织特性基因,使茎端分生组织转变为花分生组织。

    Distinct inductive pathways can activate the expression of flower meristem identity genes , thus cause the transition from shoot apical meristem to flower meristem .

  9. 茎端最早是在愈伤组织表层产生,茎端具典型的原套原体结构,原套细胞仅一层。

    The stems produced on the surface of cal-lus had typical structure of tunica and corpus . The tunica contained only one layer of ceils .

  10. 所结花球不停滞在茎端分生组织的发育阶段,而直接发育成松散的由花蕾组成的绿色花序,组成花球的不是花分生组织,而是处于不同发育阶段的花蕾。

    Their " curds " did not stop at developmental stage of apical meristem , but produced loose , green inflorescence , which composed of flower buds instead , not floral meristem .

  11. 具维管组织的植物在分类学上都归属为一个单独的维管植物门。叶片(包括子叶)是茎端分生组织产生的第一类侧生器官,在植物发育中具有重要地位。

    The vascular plants may be grouped into a single division , the Tracheophyta . Leaf is the first lateral organ produced by the activity of the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ) .

  12. 利用薄切片法对油樟茎叶油细胞和粘液细胞发育的研究结果表明:油细胞最早发生于第二叶原基以及茎端皮层和髓的基本分生组织中。

    The development of oil and mucilage cells in the stem and leaf of Cinnamomum longepaniculatum were studied with the help of method of semithin section .