
tái yuán
  • tundra
苔原[tái yuán]
  1. 阿拉斯加的周报《苔原时报》本周停刊了。

    The Tundra Times , a weekly newspaper in Alaska , ceased publication this week .

  2. 它们只是在苔原上大嚼特嚼,睡上几小时,接着再吃。

    They just chomp on tundra , nap a few hours and feast again .

  3. 更暖的北极和更郁郁葱葱的苔原带对于草食动物来说似乎是个好消息。

    A warmer Arctic and greener tundra1 might sound like good news for grazing animals .

  4. 南极苔原近地面CO2、CH4、N2O浓度和通量的相互关系

    Relationships between CO_2 , CH_4 and N_2O Concentrations and Fluxes in Antarctic Tundra

  5. 在南极苔原,首次系统地研究了近地面CO2、CH4、N2O浓度及通量的相互关系,结果表明:天气条件对三种温室气体浓度日变化影响较大;

    Relationships between CO 2 , CH 4 and N 2O concentrations and fluxes in Antarctic tundra were studied systematically under natural conditions of Antarctica .

  6. 风速在地面柳枝和生草丛苔原10cm下几乎减弱为零。

    Wind speeds are attenuated almost completely within 10 cm of the ground in willows and tussock tundra .

  7. 苔原湿地N2O通量随地下水位的增长而降低,水位是控制N2O通量空间变化的主要因素;CH4通量则受到水位和地温的共同影响。

    N2O fluxes from tundra wetlands decreased with increasing water table , so water table affected N2O spatial variation ; CH4 fluxes were controlled with water table and ground temperature together .

  8. 本文模拟的结果对于进一步研究南北极生物圈氨的挥发过程和MBP及其对极区苔原生态系统氮磷地球化学循环的影响具有重要意义。

    The results of this study are of great significance to further study the process of ammonia volatilization and MBP production , as well nitrogen and phosphorus biogeochemical cycle of Antarctic tundra ecosystems .

  9. 长白山高山苔原的景观生态分析

    An analysis on the ecology of alpine tundra landscape of Changbai Mountains

  10. 长白山的高山苔原土

    The alpine tundra soil on the Changbai Mountain of China

  11. 长白山高山苔原带的亚气生蓝藻

    The subaerial cyanophyceae of tundra zone of Changbai Mountain

  12. 长白山高山苔原研究的进展&献给中华人民共和国建国50周年

    Progress of researches on alpine tundra in Changbai Mountain

  13. 该种土壤是苔原、草地以及沼地所特有的。

    Gley soils are typical of tundra , meadows , and boggy areas .

  14. “苔原”上的灌木丛数量增加。

    Shrubs are increasing in the " tundra . "

  15. 苔原就是植被甚少的平坦地面。

    Tundra is flat land with very little vegetation .

  16. 这些是苔原车,是研究者用于接近北极熊的交通工具。

    These are Tundra Buggies , designed to bring people to polar bears .

  17. 而由于气候非常寒冷,苔原有两层:

    And because of the cold temperatures , the tundra has two layers :

  18. 鹿在苔原上游逛。

    Reindeer roam the tundra in large herds .

  19. 斑点状霜冻的苔原水池点缀了加拿大北育空公家公园的风景。

    Frost-flecked tundra pools dot the landscape of Canada 's North Yukon National Park .

  20. 如果你登的再高一点,你将进入高山苔原地带。

    If you keep going up , you 'll emerge on the alpine tundra .

  21. 苔原地区很少有植物生长。

    Few plants grow in tundra regions .

  22. 北极苔原和海冰地区边界层物理过程的观测研究

    Observational Research on Physical Processes of Boundary Layer in Tundra and Sea Ice Areas of the Arctic

  23. 2010年丰田苔原工作车包问世今天在2009年圣地亚哥车展。

    The2010 Toyota Tundra Work Truck Package made its debut today at the2009 San Diego Auto Show .

  24. 高山苔原植物均以低矮形态生长,这是它们最显著的特征。

    The most striking characteristic of the plants of the alpine zone is their low growth form .

  25. 这里没有树木生长,因为已经在北极圈周围了,苔原生长在地球的寒冷的、荒芜的生态环境。

    Treeless regions found in and around the Arctic , tundras are among Earths coldest , harshest biomes .

  26. 我们的旅程到达第一个不毛之地,南边是一个荒凉没有植被被称为苔原的旷野。

    The first barren land we reach our journey south is a bleak treeless wilderness known as tundra .

  27. 但是那些地方更容易受到气候变化影响呢?是北极苔原还是亚马逊热带雨林呢?

    But which places - Arctic tundra or Amazon rainforest - are most vulnerable to such climate change ?

  28. 在夏天青郁的加拿大苔原上,一头小北极狐刚从小憩中醒来。

    Photograph by Norbert Rosing An arctic fox pup awakens from a nap on the summer-greened Canadian tundra .

  29. 长白山高山苔原牛皮杜鹃群落物质循环的研究

    A study on the elements cycling of the ( rhododendron aureum ) community in alpine tundra of Changbai Mountain

  30. 灌木丛的尺寸增大,蔓延到原先没有灌木丛的苔原地区,

    The size of the shrubs has increased and shrub cover has spread to what was previously shrub-free tundra .