
nóng bāo
  • pustule;worthless fellow;wuss
脓包 [nóng bāo]
  • (1) [pustule]∶一种小而界线清晰的皮肤隆凸,含有脓和具有炎性基底

  • (2) [worthless fellow]∶比喻懦弱无能的人

脓包[nóng bāo]
  1. 青春痘通常可分为硬块痘、脓包痘和丘状痘。

    The whelk usually may divide into the hard lump smallpox , pustule smallpox and the dome-shaped smallpox .

  2. 1796年,他做了个测试,将牛痘脓包的脓水注射入一个男孩体内,然后观察到他对天花有了免疫。

    In 1796 , he tested the theory by injecting a boy with some pus from a cowpox pustule and saw that it gave him immunity to smallpox .

  3. 给我回来,你们这一对胆怯的脓包。

    Come back here , you couple of chicken-livered cowards .

  4. 现在我们决不能忍受这群长着脓包、喝醉了的小兔崽子们的无礼举动

    Now , we won 't submit to impertinence from these pimply , tipsy virgins .

  5. “我说你们警备部是些脓包吗?”

    " Didn 't I say that your police were good for nothing ?"

  6. 破损,(包装)不合格丘疹长成脓包后才破裂。

    The pimple came to a head before bursting .

  7. 他们管那个裁判叫脓包。

    They called the umpire a bum .

  8. 我的丈夫是一流的脓包。

    My husband was a prize wimp .

  9. 丘疹长成脓包后才破裂。沉积岩没有形成穹丘。

    The pimple came to a head before bursting . The sedimentary rocks did not dome .

  10. 开始是在针眼处出现一个小红结节,几个星期或几个月后发展为脓包、脓肿或溃疡。

    Over weeks or months it can develop into a large pustule , abscess , or ulcer .

  11. 将阿司匹林溶解在水中,涂抹痤疮,可以消除脓包。

    Apply aspirin dissolved in water to acne to dry out skin and get rid of pimples .

  12. 那艘船缓慢地破冰前进。丘疹长成脓包后才破裂。

    The ship nosed its way slowly through the ice . The pimple came to a head before bursting .

  13. A群链球菌感染可以引起相对轻微感染,主要有咽喉炎、急性扁桃体炎、猩红热、皮肤软组织感染、脓包病。

    GAS can cause relatively mild infections including pharyngitis , acute tonsillitis , scarlet fever , skin infections and impetigo .

  14. 经过那样一次大乱子,脓包破了以后,我们的国家只会更加巩固。

    Through a big disturbance of this kind , our country will emerge all the stronger after the boil has burst .

  15. 症状有发热、头痛和严重的背痛,紧接着红色脓包就会长满全身,留下疤痕。

    Symptoms include fever , headache and severe back pain followed by telltale red pustules all over the body , which leave pitted scars .

  16. 到了一九四五年,中国人民身上的脓包终于破裂,内战再起,并且很快发展为革命。

    By1945 , this abscessed condition of the Chinese people burst forth once more in renewed civil war and quickly thereafter passed over into revolution .

  17. “作为一个外科医生,长一个脓包就要切除一个,排出脓水才能让身体恢复健康,”他说。

    " As a surgeon where there is an abscess , you cut , you evacuate the pus and you let the body heal ," 8 he said .

  18. 流脓的脓包会慢慢长满患者的整张脸,头发也会渐渐掉光。最糟糕的是,最后患者的皮肉都会被腐蚀掉,只剩下骨头。

    Weeping pustules would explode across people 's faces , hair would fall out and - in the worst cases - the flesh would be eaten away right down to the bone .

  19. 脓包长得如此之快,而兔兔的家长,也是我最好的朋友之一,她仍然想在手术前再做最后一次努力,我们都想再了解更多这方面的知识是特特免于这次手术。

    Since the rabbit 's parent , one of my best friends , she still want to fight a little before surgery , we all want to know more about this Penicillin Gand save our rabbit from surgery .

  20. 如果皮肤上的一个粉刺还没有变成脓包,可以用冰来减少肿胀和刺激油腺体收缩,将上火的腺体里的细菌和多余的油排出体外。

    For a pimple that has not yet resulted in a pus filled eruption on the skin , ice can be used to reduce swelling and encourage the oil glands to constrict and push out the excess oil and bacteria from the irritated glands .