
  • 网络umbilical infection;Infection of navel cord
  1. 慢病毒颗粒包装、浓缩及对脐带血CD34~+细胞感染

    Lentivirus packaging , concentration and infection of CD34 ~ + cells from umbilical blood

  2. 你最大的哥哥出生时,因为用缅甸传统方式接生,以竹片将脐带割断而造成感染过世。

    He had infection after his umbilical cord was cut in the traditional burmese way that is with a bamboo sliver .

  3. 例如这一条关于护理新生儿脐带的信息,它会详细讲解脐带感染如何使婴儿生病,并介绍清洁脐带和预防感染的方法。

    For example , one such message is about caring for a new - born baby 's umbilical cord . It explains how infection of the cord can make a baby sick , then it tells how to keep the cord clean and infection free .