
yí yè
  • pancreatic juice;succus pancreaticus
胰液 [yí yè]
  • [pancreatic juice] 澄明的碱性胰分泌物,至少含三种不同的酶。胰酶,胰淀粉酶,及脂肪酶或其前体,流入十二指肠后与胆汗及肠液混合,能进一步消化已被唾液及胃酶部分消化了的食物

胰液[yí yè]
  1. 采用巢式PCR-RFLP检测胰液中突变的Kras基因

    Detection of K-ras Gene Mutant in Pancreatic Juice by Nested PCR-RFLP

  2. 胰腺癌患者胰液中K-ras基因突变的检测及其意义

    K ras mutation in pancreatic juice from patients with pancreatic carcinoma

  3. 施行1例胰液肠腔引流式胰、十二指肠及肾联合移植,术后移植肾功能在术后第3d肌酐、尿素氮恢复正常;

    The case of combined pancreas - kidney transplantation was successful .

  4. 其胰液通透指数(PI)平均为0.31±0.19。

    The mean penetration index ( PI ) of MMC was ( 0.31 ± 0.19 ) .

  5. 目的探讨胆胰液脱落细胞DNA倍体分析对胆道腺胰良恶性疾病的诊断价值。

    Objective To explore the diagnostic value of DNA doublet analysis of falling off cells from cholangiopancreatic drainage in the diseases of bile and pancreas .

  6. 胰蛋白酶、糜蛋白酶在胃内低pH环境下以酶原形式存在,为吻合口愈合提供有利条件,且胰液可中和胃酸,防止吻合口溃疡发生。

    Presence of trypsin and chymotrypsin and the pancreas fluid may neutralize gastric acid and prevent the anastomotic stoma from being inflicted ulcer .

  7. 纳洛酮可以加强吗啡抑制胰液分泌的作用(P0.01);

    However , it would increase the in-hibitory effect of morphine on pancreatic secretion ( P0.01 ) .

  8. 促胰液素引起的大鼠胃平滑肌细胞的舒张由Gs蛋白介导。

    Secretin induced relaxation in rat gastric smooth muscle cells mediated by the Gs protein .

  9. 用美蓝加光照选择性损伤ICC,观察促胰液素对胃平滑肌舒张的作用。

    The effect of selective lesion of ICC by methylene blue and intense illumination .

  10. 尼莫地平的胰液浓度高峰时间为用药后1.5~2小时,最高浓度为9.21ng/ml。

    The highest value of Nimodipine level in pancreatic fluid were 9.21 ng / ml at 1.5 to 2 hours following Nimodipine taken orally .

  11. 胰液量的增加不受BPP影响。

    The increases of pancreatic volume were not affected by BPP .

  12. 检测胰液和粪便中K-ras和p53基因突变对胰腺癌早期诊断的价值

    An application value of detecting K-ras and p53 gene mutation in the stool and pure pancreatic juice for diagnosis of early pancreatic cancer

  13. 结论:在5-HT介导的胰液蛋白分泌中,大鼠孤束核起着感知及整理信息的作用,且这种作用的发挥与P物质受体有关。

    CONCLUSION : NTS plays a role of sensing and processing information on pancreatic protein secretion induced by 5-hydroxytryptamine , in which the receptor of P substance may take a part .

  14. 促胰液素通过大鼠Cajal间质细胞促进胃平滑肌舒张

    Impact of secretin on gastric smooth muscle relaxation mediated by interstitial cells of Cajal in rats

  15. 术前ERCP收集胰液寻找癌细胞和术中细针穿刺细胞学检查可进一步提高早期诊断准确性。

    Searching carcinoma cells in pancreatic juice collected by ERCP and needling cytologic examination during operation can further improve the early diagnostic rate .

  16. 背景:Oddi括约肌(sphincterofoddi,SO)位于胆管、胰管和十二指肠结合部,是胆汁和胰液的最终流出道。

    Background : The sphincter of Oddi is located in the combine part of bile duct , duodenum and pancreatic duct .

  17. 上述结果提示:(1)促胰液素的抑酸效应由促进PGI2和PGE释放介导;

    These results indicated that : ( 1 ) inhibition of acid secretion by secretin wasmediated by PGI_2 and PGE release ;

  18. GABA对静脉注射促胰液素(0.35毫克/公斤)引起的胰液分泌量无任何影响。

    GABA failed to produce any effect upon the pancreatic secretion evoked by the intravenous injection of secretin ( 0.35 mg / kg , single dose ) .

  19. 结果胰腺癌患者胰液Kras突变率为878%(36/41),胰腺良性病变为235%(4/17)。

    Results K-ras mutation was found in pancreatic juice in 87.8 % ( 36 / 41 ) of pancreatic cancer patients and 23.5 % ( 4 / 17 ) of benign pancreatic disease patients .

  20. 提示胰液淀粉酶分泌量、血清TNFα和NO均可用于监测胰腺急性排斥反应,指导适时进行胰腺活检早期诊断。

    It suggested that monitoring of amylase secretion , serum TNF α and NO concentration could be used to decide the proper time of performing biopsy for early diagnosis of acute rejection of the pancreas allograft .

  21. 结合免疫细胞化学检测p53和p16蛋白的表达改变,又有2例胰液中的可疑细胞被判断为瘤细胞,总阳性率为8/10(80.0%),特异性为100.0%,准确性为90.0%。

    Overall , the sensitivity , specificity and accuracy of cytologic examination of pancreatic juice in conjunction with immunocytochemistry were 80.0 % , 100 % and 90.0 % respectively .

  22. 提示对有症状的PD患者应积极行内镜治疗,尤其副胰管支架置入,可达到较好的胰液引流效果,缓解患者腹痛等症状。顽固性疼痛是进行胰液引流或胰腺切除的适应证。

    So endoscopic treatment is a safe and effective therapeutic technique for symptomatic PD and should be used as the first choice . Intractable pain is an indication for surgery that includes pancreatic drainage procedure or pancreatic resection .

  23. 检测粪便中K-ras突变及胰液细胞学辅以检测抑癌蛋白表达在胰腺癌筛选和诊断中的价值

    Detection of K-ras Mutations in Stools and Detection of Anti-oncogene Products as an Adjunct in Cytologic Examination of Pure Pancreatic Juice for Scanning and Diagnosis of Pancreatic Carcinoma

  24. 结论内镜抽取纯胰液联合检测细胞学、K-ras基因点突变及端粒酶活性对临床诊断早期胰腺癌具有重要价值。

    Conclusion It may be the one way for the diagnosis of early pancreatic cancer by detected Cytology , K-ras mutation and telomerase activity in pure pancreatic juice .

  25. 此外也有研究利用近几年新出现的表面增强激光解吸离子化-飞行时间质谱(SELDI-TOF-MS)的方法在胰液和血清中寻找胰腺癌的标志物。

    Besides , surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization ( SELDI ) approach had been used to search for biomarkers in serum and pancreatic juice .

  26. Oddi括约肌是胆总管末端与十二指肠连接处的环形平滑肌,其功能紊乱引起的胆汁、胰液流动异常在许多胆胰疾病的病理生理过程中起重要作用。

    Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction ( SOD ) which may leads to abnormal flow of bile and pancreatic juice play an important role in pathophysiology of many biliary and pancreatic diseases .

  27. 目的总结10例胰液空肠引流(ED)术式胰肾一期联合移植(SPK)的外科技术和治疗胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(IDDM)合并尿毒症的效果。

    Objective To summarize the results of simultaneous pancreatic kidney transplantation ( SPK ) with enteric drainage ( ED ) in the treatment of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus ( IDDM ) with uremia .

  28. 胰腺癌患者胰液中特异表达的蛋白质PSTI和TTR可能是胰液肿瘤标志物的侯选,本研究提示了慢性炎症与肿瘤发生机制可能联系的相关依据。

    PSTI and TTR might be the potential tumor marker candidates . This proteomic study suggest some kind of correlation between inflammatory and tumor pathogenesis .

  29. 胰液、粪便、末梢血液和尿液的检测,以及胰腺组织细针穿刺液检出Kras基因突变,对胰腺癌的诊断有重要参考价值,但不应视为胰腺癌的确诊依据。

    The K ras point mutation detections in pancreatic juice , stool , peripheral blood , urine , and fine needle aspiration cytologic specimens of pancreatic tissues may be of great diagnostic value in pancreatic cancer , but they can not be used as evidences for final diagnosis .

  30. 方法通过8例胰十二肠切除术后患者胰管内置管获得的纯胰液观察5FU对人胰腺外分泌功能的作用。

    Methods The effects of 5 FU were investigated in 8 patients who had undergone pancreatoduodenectomy . The pancreatic juice was temporarily diverted to the exterior via a pancreatic duct catheter .