
  • 网络Ho Chi Minh Trail;Duong Truong Son
  1. 所谓胡志明小道是在老挝南部的密林中开辟出来的。

    The Ho Chi Minh Trail was hacked through jungles covering the southern half of Laos .

  2. 越战结束后,胡志明小道并没有完全退出历史舞台。

    After the Vietnam war , Ho Chi Minh Trail did not disappear from the stage of the history .

  3. 时至今日,胡志明小道仍然是个带有传奇色彩的历史话题。

    Nowadays , Ho Chi Ming Trail is still a history topic with legend color .

  4. 鉴于当时的国内外形势,北越尚不敢公开越过非军事区进攻南越,所以秘密开辟了胡志明小道,借道老挝和柬埔寨把大量的军队和物质渗透到南方。

    Given the home and abroad posture of that day , the north did not dare to attack the south across the DMZ , so it opened a secret trail through Lao and Cambodia to send military material and army .