
  • 网络Renal Failure;kidney failure
  1. 不过一种具有危险性的品种最严重的病例会造成出血性腹泻、肾脏衰竭与死亡。

    However , one dangerous strain causes Bloody diarrhea , kidney failure , and death in extreme cases .

  2. 这些药闻缦憧年有年夜约100万美国人使用,年夜年夜都贫血阅暌冠癌症化疗或者肾脏衰竭。

    The drugs are used by about one million Americans a year , mostly people with anemia caused by cancer chemotherapy or kidney failure .

  3. Logistic回归分析显示呼吸、心血管系统和肾脏衰竭是与SAP死亡相关的独立高危险因素。

    By multivariate logistic regression analysis , independent prognostic factors for mortality were respiratory failure , cardiovascular failure and renal failure .

  4. 几周之后,她的肺功能减弱,而且肾脏衰竭。

    Within weeks her lungs failed and her kidneys shut down .

  5. 常因肝脏或肾脏衰竭而导致死亡。

    Death usually results from hepatic or renal failure .

  6. 过多摄取盐份可能会引起骨质疏松症、肾脏衰竭和胃癌。

    Excess salt has been linked to osteoporosis , kidney damage and stomach cancer .

  7. 所有的感染性休克患者没有心脏或者肾脏衰竭。

    All of the septic shock patients were free from heart or renal failure .

  8. 与烧伤或其他外伤相伴随的肾脏衰竭,或伴随有急性传染或尿道阻塞。

    Renal failure associated with burns or other trauma , or with acute infection or obstruction of the urinary tract .

  9. 传染病常常好发于慢性肾脏衰竭病患,但是感染性关节炎却是极少见的并发症。

    Infections are common causes of morbidity in the chronic renal failure population , but infectious arthritis is rarely encountered .

  10. 为了在同一天中同时进行血管造影和手术并且消除肾脏衰竭的可能性,临床医生使用了其它对比试剂。

    To make it possible to do angiography and surgery on the same day and largely diminish the possibility of renal failure , the physicians used other contrast agents .

  11. 根据发表在«澳大利亚医学杂志»上的这项研究所说,肥胖病人额外的体重与手术后的刀口感染,肾脏衰竭和其它并发症有关。

    Extra weight in obese patients was linked to wound infection , renal failure and other complications following the operation , according to a study published in the Medical Journal of Australia .

  12. 摘要我们报告一例45岁的女性病患,她因为肾脏衰竭而转介给外科进行局部麻醉下经皮长期中央静脉洗肾导管的放置。

    We report a45-year-old obese uremic female , who developed sudden and profound shock followed by cardiac arrest during the percutaneous insertion of a permanently cuffed and tunneled hemodialysis catheter under local anesthesia .

  13. 但在非洲,这些疾病的并发症,例如中风、心脏和肾脏衰竭以及某种类型的癌症,在更小的年龄和更广泛的人群中发生。

    But in Africa , the complications of these diseases , such as stroke , cardiac and renal failure , and certain forms of cancer , occur at younger ages and in larger populations .

  14. 后来Midnight被诊断为甲状腺机能亢进,现在她必须给猫输液,因为它的肾脏正在衰竭。

    Midnight was later diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and now she must give the feline fluids through a needle because his kidneys are failing .

  15. 我不再排尿,这使我的肾脏开始衰竭,乳酸值攀升。

    I wasn 't passing urine any more so my kidneys were failing and my lactate levels had risen .

  16. 众所周知,高血压是危及人类身体健康的主要疾病之一,同时它又是动脉硬化、冠心病、心脏及肾脏功能衰竭的最主要的致病因素。

    As is well known that hypertension is one of the major diseases which is endangering human health . at the same time , it is the most important risk factors in coronary heart disease , arteriosclerosis , heart and kidney failure .

  17. 左未处理,血压高可能会导致心脏病发作、中风、肾脏或心脏衰竭。

    Left untreated , high blood pressure may lead to heart attack , stroke and kidney or heart failure .

  18. 然而,这些药物对慢性瘙痒患者往往就爱莫能助了。湿疹或银屑病(牛皮癣)等皮肤病、肾脏或肝脏衰竭、皮肤干燥、甲状腺功能亢进、某些癌症以及神经受到挤压或损坏都可能导致慢性瘙痒。

    But antihistamines are often no help to people with chronic itching , which can be caused by skin diseases like eczema or psoriasis , kidney or liver failure , dry skin , an overactive thyroid gland , certain cancers , and pinched or damaged nerves .

  19. 但随着时间的推移,她的肺组织遭到了破换,肾脏也出现了衰竭,不得不用呼吸机维持生命。

    But as time progressed , she was put on a ventilator as her lung tissue broke down and her kidneys began to fail .

  20. 我处于引导昏迷的状态中,生命迹象不断恶化,脸和身体都肿了起来,肾脏和肺脏逐渐衰竭。

    I had been put into an induced coma , my vital signs were deteriorating , my face and body were swollen and my kidneys and lungs failing .

  21. 此病例强调癌症转移至肾脏的潜力,而可能经由肿瘤细胞浸润肾脏导致急性肾衰竭。

    This case emphasizes the potential for cancers to metastasize to the kidneys , and which may result in ARF by tumor infiltration of the kidneys .