
  • 网络Renal Function Test;renal function examination
  1. 所有患儿都能配合完成规定的治疗疗程,各组血清补体c3及肾功能检查均在正常范围。

    Children are able to meet all the requirements to complete the treatment course of treatment , the serum levels of complement c3 and renal function tests were within normal range .

  2. SPECT肾功能检查对伊拉地平肾保护作用的评价

    Evaluation on Effects of Isradipine on Renal Protection by SPECT

  3. 随访2年后再行一次上述超声和肾功能检查,比较叶间动脉RI、PI和肾功能的变化情况,作RI、PI变化值与GFR变化值的相关性分析。

    After 2 years ' follow up , the above measurements were performed again . The correlation of changes of GFR and changes of interlobar artery RI and PI was analyzed .

  4. 血清和尿液中β2-微球蛋白测定(β2-MG)最初应用于肾功能检查,被认为是一种比血清肌酐更敏感的内生物质。

    β 2-microglobulin (β 2-MG ) was used to tests of renal function and considered as an endogenous substance that was more sensitive than serum creatinine .

  5. 外伤性截瘫患者肾功能检查结果的临床分析

    A Clinical Analysis on the Results of kidney Function in Patients with Traumatic Paraplegia

  6. 安全性指标为血液分析、尿组合、大便常规+隐血、肝功能、肾功能检查。

    The safety index is blood analysis , urine composition , stool ( include occult blood ), liver function and renal function . Result : 1 .

  7. 另外在整个试验中对所有的患者都详细记录了不良反应及血常规,肝、肾功能检查,均未出现任何不良反应及毒副作用。

    In the experiment of all patients were detailed records the adverse reactions and routine blood , liver , kidney , without any adverse reactions and side effects .

  8. 通过临床所见,尿液系列肾功能检查及特殊肾功能检查结果进行对比分析。结果表明先天性泌尿系畸形产前诊断是可能的,早期治疗是必要的,并提出了早期手术的指征。

    Analysis of a series of renal functional test , special methods and clinical study , showed the possibility of prenatal diagnosis and the necessary of early treatment of congenital urological deformities .

  9. 安全性观察包括:用药前和疗程结束时一般体格检查:血,尿,大便常规检查,心电图,肝功能,肾功能检查。

    The security observation included : General physical examination , blood , urine and stool routine , electrocardiogram , liver function and renal function ( BUN , Cr ) before and after treatment . 1 .

  10. 应用核素肾SPECT功能检查,结果表明:肾有效血浆流量、肾小球滤过率显著增加(P<0.01),肾血管阻力显著降低(P<0.01),而肾滤过分数不受影响。

    SPECT were used for detecting renal function . The results of these evaluation indicated that there was significantly increasing in ERPF and GFR ( P0.01 ) and significant decreasing in resistance of renal vessel ( P0.01 ), and FF remained unchanged .

  11. 所有患者都进行肝、肾功能的检查,用药后均未见明显的肝肾功能异常。

    After treatment , all the patients experienced examinations for liver and kidney function , and no obvious abnormalities were found . Conclusion : Clinical observation found that both drugs took obvious effects on osteoporosis with liver-kidney-yin deficiency syndrome .

  12. 心脏呈主动脉型,主动脉曲屈延长。痰培养肺炎双球菌生长。尿常规、肝功能、肾功能等检查正常。

    The heart appeared to be of aortic type with a tortuous and prolonged aorta . Culture of the sputum showed growth of Streptococcus pneumoniae . Routine urinalysis and tests of the liver and kidney functions showed normal findings .

  13. 术前及随访时均行B超、磁共振尿路造影(MRU)、肾功能及尿动力学检查。

    Preoperative and follow-up , having ultrasound , MRU , renal function and urodynamic examination .

  14. 应用99mTc-MDP骨显像技术对15例慢性肾功能衰竭患者进行检查,并结合X线,以探讨骨显像对肾性骨营养不良的诊断价值。

    To investigate the clinical value for the diagnosis of renal osteodystrophy ( ROD ) with 99m Tc MDP skeletal imaging , 15 patients with chronic renal failure ( CRF ) were studied in combination with X ray examination .

  15. 治疗前后行心电图、心脏超声、肝、肾功及甲状腺功能检查。出院后嘱患者1,3,6,12月复查上述项目1次。

    Electrocardiogram ( ECG ), ultrasonography of heart , liver function , renal function and thyroid function were measured at before treatment , and 1 , 3 , 6 , 12 month after treatment period respectively .

  16. 除上述实验室检查异常已作为不良事件统计外,试验组和对照组其他受试者的血、尿常规及肝、肾功能和心电图等检查均未出现与试验药物相关的异常变化。

    In addition to these laboratory abnormalities treated as adverse events statistics , blood test , urine test , liver , renal function , ECG and other tests of other study subjects in the two groups showed no abnormal changes related to the test drug .

  17. 所有患者月经周期规则,无其他内分泌、免疫和代谢性疾病,术前常规化验肝、肾功能均正常,检查肿瘤标记物以排除恶性肿瘤,术前3个月内未接受激素治疗。

    All patients with menstrual cycle rules , have no endocrine disorder or immunological and metabolic diseases ; routine preoperative laboratory tests of liver and kidney functions were normal , check tumor biomarkers to exclusive malignancy , three months before surgery did not receive hormone therapy .

  18. 肝硬变患者在血肌酐、尿素氮升高之前,就已经存在肾小球滤过率和肾血流量的下降,称为亚临床HRS,常规的肾功能检查不能识别。

    The patients ' glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow have decreased before the increase of the serum creatinine and usea nitrogen , which is called subclinical HRS , which is could not be diagnosed by the normal renal function detection .

  19. 利用微机肾图仪进行人体ERPF测定是一种简单、方便、病人无痛苦的肾功能检查方法。

    Computer renogram in examining human ERPF is an easy and painless approach in test-ing renal function .