
  • 网络Liver blood deficiency;deficiency of the liver blood;a deficiency of the blood from the liver;insufficiency of liver blood
  1. 例如,心血或肝血不足会导致心悸、眠和多梦的症状。

    For example , heart-blood or liver-blood deficiency will lead to such symptoms as palpitation , insomnia and dreaminess .

  2. 导师根据多年临床经验,总结出青少年近视的病机为肾元亏虚,肝血不足,脾气虚弱,并据此研制出中成药视疲宁片。

    Based on years of clinical experiences , my tutor summarized the pathogenesis of juvenile myopia is that deficiency of kidney , liver-Blood and spleen-Qi .

  3. 对于围绝经期综合征,导师认为,该病以肾虚为主,同时又与脾虚,肝血不足密切相关,并兼有血瘀。

    For peri-menopause syndrome , instructors believe that the disease mainly to kidney deficiency , spleen and kidney at the same time , with the weak , is closely related to blood shortage , and a combination of blood stasis .