
  • 网络Liver Function Test;ALT;lft;got.gpt
  1. 常规肝功能检查在肝储备功能评估中的价值

    Value of the Conventional Liver Function Tests in the Assessment of Hepatic Reserve

  2. 肝功能检查主要有麝香草酚浊度试验、血清白蛋白、球蛋白、胆红素、谷丙转氨酶测定等,正常者28.3%,不正常者71.7%。

    Anemia was not prominent , Liver function tests mainly consisted of thymol turbidity test , determination of serum albumin , globulin , bilirubin , and GPT , etc. These liver function tests revealed abnormality in 71.7 % of cases .

  3. 6个月后B超、CT和肝功能检查证实总有效率72%。其中女性病例和局限性脂肪肝病例疗效更明显。

    After six months , ultrasonic , CT and hepatic examinations showed that the total effective rate was 72 % , among which the therapeutic effect in female cases and localised fatty liver was more remarkable .

  4. 方法:选取116例肝硬化患者作为观察对象,常规行肝功能检查,进行13C-MBT肝功能检测并与Child-Pugh临床分级进行比较。

    Methods : One hundred and sixteen patients with liver cirrhosis were observed . There patients received liver functional test 、 13C-methacetin breath test and the Child-Pugh classification at the same time .

  5. 我院1990级新生肝功能检查及临床观察

    Liver Function Test and Clinical Observation of Freshmen in 1990

  6. 我能做肝功能检查吗?

    Can I do the liver function test then ?

  7. 肝功能检查没有显示炎症和纤维化的存在和程度。

    Liver tests did not reflect the presence or degree of inflammation or fibrosis .

  8. 肝功能检查在婴儿肝炎综合征和先天性胆道闭锁的鉴别诊断中的价值

    Value of the liver function test in differential diagnosis of infantile hepatitis syndrome and biliary atresia

  9. 你的肝功能检查结果都很正常,不知道你担心的是什么呢?

    Result of your liver function examination is very normal , what is what do not know you are afraid ?

  10. 肝功能检查显示谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶、胆红素升高、球蛋白高于白蛋白;

    Liver function test showed increasing in glutamic-pyruvic transaminase and glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase , bilirubin , and globulin high than albumin ;

  11. 更新后的产品标签增加了有关治疗期间肝功能检查结果可能出现酶升高的警示语及相关注意事项。

    The updated labels contain new warnings and precautions about the possibility of elevations in liver function test results during treatment .

  12. 方法:对398例病毒性肝炎进行血清病原学检测和肝功能检查。

    Methods : Serologic and pathogenic detection , together with the exam of liver functions , were made in 398 cases with hepatitis E.

  13. 此时应该进行体格检查、肝功能检查,血细胞计数,电介质水平和尿液检查。

    At this point , a physical examination , an assessment of lier function , a determination of blood counts and electrolyte leels , and a urinalysis should be undertaken .

  14. 方法采用回顾性分析法对47例药物性肝炎住院患者的用药史、临床表现、肝功能检查、病原学标志以及治疗转归做出综合分析。

    Methods 47 cases with drug-induced liver damage admitted to our hospital from 1995 to 2004.They were reviewed with respect to their drug history , clinical symptom and signs , liver function test , serum viral markers and therapeutic effect .

  15. 探讨中医各个证型与肝功能检查结果关系表明,肝功能结果与各个证型间并无明显相关性。7.健康调查简表有21例对自己的健康状况满意,符合本病症状隐匿的特点。

    Various syndromes of TCM and the relationship between liver function test results showed that the results of liver function in various syndromes with no apparent correlation.7.21 patients were satisfied with their health in SF-36 , in line with the characteristics of hidden symptoms of the disease .

  16. 同时在自身非输液侧浅静脉采等量血液作为对照,分别行血常规、血生化、凝血功能和肝功能等检查,并对检验结果进行对比分析。

    All samples were sent for blood routine , biochemistry , liver function and blood coagulation test . Their results were analyzed and compared .

  17. 手术当天以及术后2周、1个月、2个月取血作肝功能及血常规检查。

    Hepatic function and blood routine examination post-operation of two weeks , one month and two months .

  18. 另外在整个试验中对所有的患者都详细记录了不良反应及血常规,肝、肾功能检查,均未出现任何不良反应及毒副作用。

    In the experiment of all patients were detailed records the adverse reactions and routine blood , liver , kidney , without any adverse reactions and side effects .

  19. 方法:以790例肝硬化患者为研究对象,进行流行病学调查、肝功能分级、内镜检查和幽门螺杆菌(HP)检测,分析HU临床特点、相关因素及可能病因。

    Methods : Liver cirrhosis patients ( 790 ) were subjected to epidemic investigation , Child 's classification , endoscopy examination and H.pylori test .

  20. 安全性指标为血液分析、尿组合、大便常规+隐血、肝功能、肾功能检查。

    The safety index is blood analysis , urine composition , stool ( include occult blood ), liver function and renal function . Result : 1 .

  21. 方法:对485例轮状病毒肠炎患儿作肝功能及肝脏B超检查,并对其中108例合并肝脏损害者的临床特征进行分析。

    Methods : Hepatic function and B type ultrasonic wave inspection were carried out among 485 cases of rotavirus enteritis and clinical features of 108 cases united with hepatic lesion were analyzed .

  22. 安全性观察包括:用药前和疗程结束时一般体格检查:血,尿,大便常规检查,心电图,肝功能,肾功能检查。

    The security observation included : General physical examination , blood , urine and stool routine , electrocardiogram , liver function and renal function ( BUN , Cr ) before and after treatment . 1 .

  23. 所有患者都进行肝、肾功能的检查,用药后均未见明显的肝肾功能异常。

    After treatment , all the patients experienced examinations for liver and kidney function , and no obvious abnormalities were found . Conclusion : Clinical observation found that both drugs took obvious effects on osteoporosis with liver-kidney-yin deficiency syndrome .

  24. 对肝硬化、肝癌、胆道疾病的肝功能检测优于其他肝功能检查,肝内、外阻塞的病例,其血清甘胆酸含量没有明显差别。

    This determination of glycocholic acid was more superior than other liver function tests for liver cirrhosis , liver cancer and biliary diseases , the content of serum glycocholic acid in patients of intra-and extra-hepatic obstructions has no marked difference .

  25. 以彩色多普勒观察肝动脉及门静脉血流动力学变化,同时做肝功能及肝脏病理检查。

    Hepatic arterial and portal hemodynamics were studied by color Doppler . Liver function and pathological observation were carried out .

  26. 结果表明血清中CG含量是肝功能受损的特异性指标,其灵敏度明显高于各单项常规肝功能检查,对慢性活动性肝炎与迁延性肝炎的鉴别诊断也有一定价值。

    The results expressed that serum CG content is a high specificity and sensitivity indicator for liver function , and has certain value for differential diagnosis of chronic active hepatitis and chronic persistent hepatitis .