
qiǎng qín
  • hydroxyzine;atarax
羟嗪[qiǎng qín]
  1. 西替利嗪为第一代抗胺药物羟嗪的衍生物。

    Cetirizine for the first generation of anti-drug hydroxyzine amine derivatives .

  2. HPLC法测定盐酸羟嗪含量及有关物质

    Determination of content and related substances of Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride by HPLC

  3. 目的:建立高校液相色谱法测定盐酸去氯羟嗪中的有关物质。

    Objective : To establish an HPLC method for determining related substance in Decloxizine Hydrochloride .

  4. 结果抗组胺药品种变化不大,但使用有集中现象,用药金额2004年有所下降,目前最常用的是酮替芬、西替利嗪、羟嗪和氯雷他定等。

    Results Consumption of antihistamine agents decreased in2004 , and kinds of drugs selected had no obvious change , but it has concentrated phenomena .

  5. 本文采用近红外光纤漫发射技术,以偏最小二乘法分别建立了复方氯丙那林胶囊的三种药效成分盐酸氯丙那林、盐酸溴己新和盐酸去氯羟嗪的快速同时测定方法。

    Based on the near infrared fiber diffuse reflectance spectroscopy , the analytical methods of the fast and simultaneous determinations for clorprenaline hydrochloride , bromhexine hydrochloride and decloxizine hydrochloride contained in the compound clorprenaline have been established by the partial least squares method .