
měi ɡuó lián bānɡ diào chá jú
  • FBI;Federal Bureau of Investigation
  1. CFTC的感谢纽约南区的曼哈顿区检察官办公室,美国联邦调查局和美国联邦检察官办公室提供的援助。

    The CFTC thanks the Manhattan District Attorney 's Office , the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Attorney 's Office for the Southern District of New York for their assistance .

  2. 美国联邦调查局(FederalBureauofInvestigation)发布的一份应对恐怖主义的指南鼓励人们闭上眼睛,深呼吸让自己平静下来。

    A guide to dealing with terrorism released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation encourages closing your eyes and taking deep breaths to feel calmer .

  3. 他的一个朋友给美国联邦调查局报了信两天以后他就被捕了。

    He was arrested two days later after a friend tipped off the FBI .

  4. 美国联邦调查局特工的生活并非总像人们想象的那么刺激。

    The life of an FBI agent wasn 't always as glamorous as people thought .

  5. 美国联邦调查局威名远扬的人质救援小组整装待命。

    The FBI 's renowned hostage rescue team was suited up and ready to go .

  6. 美国联邦调查局将一封查尔斯·达尔文在1875年写的信归还给了史密森学会档案馆,这封信已被偷了两次。

    A letter written by Charles Darwin in 1875 has been returned to the Smithsonian Institution Archives by the FBI after being stolen twice .

  7. 美国联邦调查局还发布了两份特别报告

    The incidence of reported rapes rose 0.8 percent .

  8. 彼得•兰扎和亚当的哥哥瑞安被美国联邦调查局质询但并不是嫌疑人,执法部门的消息人士告诉《people》。

    Peter Lanza and Adam 's older brother Ryan were questioned by the FBI but are not suspects , a law enforcement source tells PEOPLE .

  9. 大都会警察局局长C,在华盛顿特区的美国联邦调查局局长,说他们在现场发现一个武器。

    Metropolitan police chief C , head of the FBI office in D.C , said they recovered a weapon at the scene .

  10. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)宣布抓获了俄罗斯的一个间谍组织。

    The FBI claimed to have uncovered a Russian spy ring .

  11. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)和美国证券交易委员会早已经开始动用纳税人的资源。

    Taxpayer resources at both the FBI and SEC are already at work .

  12. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)对此事进行了调查。

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation probes the incident .

  13. 在美国联邦调查局(FBI),没有很多特工像埃德?尤(EdYou)那样。

    There are not many agents in the Federal Bureau of Investigation like Ed You .

  14. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)称,美国的暴力犯罪正接近40年来低点。

    American violent crime is near a 40-year low , says the Federal Bureau of Investigation .

  15. 在没有苹果公司协助的情况下,美国联邦调查局已成功破解圣贝纳迪诺枪击案嫌犯塞义德·法鲁克的iPhone。

    The FBI has managed to break into the iPhone belonging to alleged San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook without Apple 's help .

  16. 例如去年,美国联邦调查局(fbi)组成了一个4人小组,专门调查涉及《反海外腐败法》的案件。

    Last year , for example , the Federal Bureau of investigation created a four-person team dedicated specifically to FCPA cases .

  17. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)上周晚些时候表示,它正在调查美国人事管理局(OfficeofPersonnelManagement,简称:OPM)遭侵入的事件。这起事件可能影响到多达400万现任和前任联邦雇员。

    The FBI said late last week that it was investigating the breach at the Office of Personnel Management that may have affected up to 4m current and former federal employees .

  18. 瑞士已经启动了自己的调查,但它不大可能在没有美国联邦调查局(FBI)的敦促下单独行动。

    Switzerland has launched its own investigation but is unlikely to have acted alone , without prompting from the FBI in ¬ Washington .

  19. 昨天上午,美国联邦调查局(FBI)特工逮捕了纽约、波士顿和洛杉矶的三名对冲基金经理。

    Agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested three hedge fund managers in New York , Boston and Los Angeles yesterday morning .

  20. 周四早些时候,苹果产品还遭到另一个领域的批评:美国联邦调查局(FBI)。

    Earlier on Thursday , Apple 's products came in for fresh criticism from a new quarter : the Federal Bureau of Investigation .

  21. 负责洛杉矶美国联邦调查局(FBI)办事处的助理戴维贠迪奇(DavidBowdich)表示,目前并不确定是否可以把这次枪击案视为恐怖事件。

    David Bowdich , assistant in charge of the FBI office in Los Angeles , said it was not certain whether it could be deemed a terrorist incident .

  22. 就在几个月前,美国联邦调查局(FBI)警告称,医疗行业很容易受到黑客入侵,原因是网络安全系统松懈。

    The filing comes just months after the FBI warned that the healthcare industry is vulnerable to hacking due to lax cyber security systems .

  23. 苹果(Apple)披露了其备受争议的中国数据中心的最新细节。目前,苹果与美国联邦调查局(FBI)之间发生的争执,已使其在美国以外地区执行的隐私政策受到了质疑。

    Apple has revealed new details about its controversial data centres in China , amid a dispute with the FBI that has raised questions about its privacy policies outside the US .

  24. FBI(美国联邦调查局)发言人JasonPack称,FBI调查员已经前往胡德堡陆军基地协助负责机构&军事刑事调查处展开调查。

    FBI agents are headed to Fort Hood to assist the Army Criminal Investigation Division , which is the lead agency , said FBI spokesman Jason Pack .

  25. 据NPR新闻的S.V.Date报道,这架飞机的所有者是一名佛罗里达州的医生,目前正在接受美国联邦调查局的调查。

    NPR 's S.V. Date reports the jet is owned by a Florida eye doctor under investigation by the FBI .

  26. 奥巴马并未透露该事件的的详细情况,他强调说,美国联邦调查局(fbi)及美国司法部正在调查是否存在潜在犯罪。

    Obama declined to comment on the specifics of the case , stressing that the FBI and Department of justice are conducting a potential criminal investigation .

  27. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长提供了有关索尼影视(SonyPictures)所受网络攻击的新细节,为美国声称朝鲜应为此次攻击负责的说法辩护。

    The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation has offered fresh details of the cyber attack on Sony Pictures as he defended the US claim that North Korea was responsible .

  28. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)近日解密了一批文件,其中详细记录了美国犹他州不明飞行物(UFO)爆炸事件,以及新墨西哥州外星人着陆的“罗兹威尔”事件。

    Secret FBI files have been released detailing how US officials saw aUFO explode over Utah – and aliens land near Roswell in New Mexico .

  29. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)决定公布其对希拉里使用私人电子邮件服务器情况的调查的新细节,可能会让这种趋势夭折。

    The FBI 's decision to release new details about its investigation into Mrs Clinton 's use of a private email server could choke off the trend .

  30. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)表示,如果这些源代码被泄露给竞争者、客户或金融行业的其他任何方面,都将造成巨大的经济损害。

    If the source code were to be released to competitors , clients or anyone else in the financial industry , it could cause great economic damage .