
  • 网络the heritage foundation
  1. 美国传统基金会的杰西卡·朱克曼表示,总体来说一切进展顺利。

    Jessica Zuckerman with the Heritage Foundation says in principle all seems well .

  2. 美国传统基金会的达尔林表示反对:

    Brian Darling of the Heritage Foundation disagrees :

  3. 香港经常被美国传统基金会(HeritageFoundation)列为全球最自由的经济体。该基金会对香港政府的低税率政策十分赞赏,哪怕是非常富有的人也享有很低的税率。

    Hong Kong is routinely ranked as the world 's freest economy by the conservative Heritage Foundation , which admires the government 's policy of taxing even very rich people at very low rates .

  4. 倾向保守的华盛顿美国传统基金会(HeritageFoundation)研究员史剑道(DerekScissors)表示:中国坐拥大量美元,而美国经济是唯一足够大、也足够稳定的地方来吸收这些资产。

    China is sitting on a huge pile of dollars and the US economy is the only place big and solid enough to absorb it back , said Derek Scissors , a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation in Washington .

  5. 彼得。布鲁克斯是位于华盛顿的美国传统基金会的一名亚太研究中心专家。

    Peter Brookes is an Asia-Pacific expert at the Heritage Foundation in Washington , D.C.

  6. 美国传统基金会经济自由指数

    Heritage Foundation 's Index of Economic Freedom

  7. 我们一直获美国传统基金会评为世界上最自由的经济体系。

    We have been consistently rated as the freest economy in the world by the US-based Heritage foundation .

  8. 美国传统基金会专家丽萨·柯提兹认为这是针对激进分子一种积极的方法。

    Experts like Lisa Curtis of the Heritage Foundation see it as a proactive approach against the militants .

  9. 一九九九年,美国传统基金会连续第六年评定香港为世界上最自由的经济体系。

    The US Heritage Foundation ranks Hong Kong as the world 's freest economy for the sixth year in a row in 1999 .

  10. 美国智库&传统基金会(HeritageFoundation)发布的另一份数据显示,今年上半年中国对外投资出现了罕见的下降。

    In the first half of this year there was a rare drop in outbound Chinese investment , according to alternative data published by the US think-tank the Heritage Foundation .

  11. 根据两家美国智库——美国企业研究所和美国传统基金会(HeritageFoundation)的数据,中国企业去年对海外投资估计达到1100亿美元,在12个月里增长了16%。

    Last year , Chinese companies invested an estimated $ 110bn abroad , up 16 per cent in 12 months , according to data from AEI and the Heritage Foundation , two US think-tanks .