
jié hūn dián lǐ
  • wedding ceremony
  1. 这是结婚典礼,而你们是新郎。

    This is a wedding ceremony and you are the grooms .

  2. 在结婚典礼中我们不许有任何的错误发生。

    We won 't allow any mistake in the wedding ceremony .

  3. 这对情侣的一位朋友向《OK!》杂志透露,皮特和茱丽的结婚典礼上将播放传统的非洲音乐,整个婚礼将会“简单而典雅”。

    A friend of the couple also told OK ! that the ceremony would include traditional African music and would be simple and elegant .

  4. 但据TVLine报道,剧组正在寻找一位演员扮演过度劳累的婚礼教堂办事员,这似乎证实这一季的确会上演结婚典礼。

    However , TV Line reports that an actor is currently being sought to play an overworked clerk at a wedding chapel - seemingly confirming that there will be a ceremony .

  5. 结婚典礼会持续三到七天。

    The wedding ceremony can last between three and seven days .

  6. 结婚典礼开始后,我就从后面溜了进去。

    I 'm sneaking in the back once the ceremony begins .

  7. 看哪,她要去参加巨人村的一个结婚典礼。

    Look , she 's going to a wedding in giantviiie .

  8. 结婚典礼在一座天主教的大教堂里举行。

    The wedding ceremony was held in a Catholic cathedral .

  9. 她的哥哥在结婚典礼进行时突然出现。

    Her brother showed up at the wedding out of the blue .

  10. 我们想请你参加我们的结婚典礼。

    We 'd like you to attend our wedding ceremony .

  11. 在结婚典礼上新郎的男性随从。

    A male attendant of the bridegroom at a wedding .

  12. 他们的结婚典礼在教堂举行。

    Their marriage ceremony was performed in the church .

  13. 此时此刻,我真的很感动这对夫妇举行这次结婚典礼。

    Here , I really appreciate a couple holding a public wedding ceremony .

  14. 参加她自己的结婚典礼的男子。

    A man participant in his own marriage ceremony .

  15. 你就可以和你配偶看到你们的结婚典礼。

    You may watch your wedding ceremony on video with your new spouse .

  16. 在某人的结婚典礼上喝喜酒。

    We may drink wine at sb 's wedding .

  17. 他在结婚典礼上迟到了,因此把一切安排都搞乱了。

    He turned the arrangements upside down by being late for the wedding .

  18. 自从罗马时代初期,一些谷物,通常是小麦,就已经和结婚典礼有了联系。

    Since early Roman times some grain-usually wheat-has been associated with the wedding ceremony .

  19. 参加结婚典礼时,新娘的白色礼服是绝对不要穿的。

    The wedding ceremony , the bride white dress is absolutely not to wear .

  20. 一定要参加我们的结婚典礼呀!

    Come to my wedding , will you ?

  21. 想到要参加女儿的结婚典礼,她决定减减肥。

    The thought of her daughter 's wedding day prompted her to lose some weight .

  22. 结婚典礼举办的很精彩!

    It is a wonderful wedding ceremony .

  23. 杰西卡和贾斯汀去年在意大利举行了豪华唯美的结婚典礼。

    Jessica and Justin tied the knot last year in a stunning ceremony in Italy .

  24. 一对夫妇驰名的婚礼在一个传统的蒙古人的结婚典礼在几个月后。

    The couple celebrated their nuptials in a traditional Mongolian wedding ceremony a few months later .

  25. 订婚期间就是从求婚到结婚典礼之间的一段时间。

    The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the wedding ceremony .

  26. 这是我们的结婚典礼。

    This is our wedding ceremony .

  27. 举行了结婚典礼

    wed in a ceremony on ...

  28. 例句:上周我不得不参加一个白色领结结婚典礼。

    Sample Sentence : There was a white-tie wedding ceremony last week which I had to attend .

  29. 克鲁尼的代表说,他已经与人权律师阿拉姆丁在一个私人结婚典礼上结婚了。

    Clooney 's representative says he 's married human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin in a private ceremony .

  30. 在结婚典礼上,天鹅绒斗篷仅能帮她遮挡部分北极严寒。

    Her Velvet Cloak could only partly shield her from the Arctic conditions enveloping the wedding ceremony .