
jié hé zhū dàn bái
  • haptoglobin
  1. 正常人表皮真皮结合珠蛋白mRNA表达研究

    Expression of Haptoglobin mRNA in Human Normal Epidermis and Dermis

  2. 结论在正常人表皮及真皮内均有结合珠蛋白mRNA的表达。

    Conclusion There was haptoglobin mRNA expression in normal human epidermis and dermis .

  3. 大肠癌的生化标志研究Ⅱ.血清结合珠蛋白与免疫球蛋白G的比值(Hp/IgG)

    Studies of the Biochemical Markers in Colonic Cancer : ⅱ . the Ratio of Serum Hepatoglobin and Immunoglobulin G ( Hp / IgG )

  4. 目的探讨血清结合珠蛋白(HP)水平与2型糖尿病家系胰岛素抵抗(IR)的关系。

    Objective : We studied the relationship between haptoglobin ( HP ) and insulin resistance ( IR ) in type 2 diabetes pedigrees .

  5. 结合珠蛋白遗传多态性的研究&Ⅱ.东北地区5个少数民族的Hp多态性特点

    Studies on Genetic Polymorphism of Haptoglobin ⅱ . Genetic Polymorphism of Haptoglobin among 5 Different Minority Nationalities in the Northeast of China

  6. 结合珠蛋白(Hp)是一种酸性糖蛋白,属急性期反应蛋白之一,由于所含轻链类型的不同,结合珠蛋白具有遗传多态性。

    Haptoglobin ( Hp ), one of the acute phase proteins , is an acid glycoprotein . Hp polymorphism arises from variant a-chains .

  7. γ射线诱导人单核细胞系THP-1细胞结合珠蛋白的表达

    Expression of haptoglobin induced by γ - ray irradiation in THP-1 cell line

  8. 目的:建立结合珠蛋白(Hp)DNA双参数流式细胞技术,以探讨放射损伤小鼠骨髓细胞中Hp含量与细胞周期和凋亡的关系。

    Objective : To establish Hp / DNA multi-parameter flow cytometry in order to analyze the relationship between cell cycle , apoptosis and the expression of Hp ( haptoglobin ) in bone marrow cells of radiation-injured mice .

  9. 结合珠蛋白与蛛网膜下腔出血后大脑动脉血管痉挛的进展

    Haptoglobin and the development of cerebral artery vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage

  10. 天津地区200例正常人血清结合珠蛋白分型

    The Phenotypes of Serum Haptoglobin of 200 Normal Individuals in Tianjin

  11. 结合珠蛋白在腹水中脱落的子宫内膜组织碎片中的表达

    Haptoglobin expression by shed endometrial tissue fragments found in peritoneal fluid

  12. 复发性口疮患者血清结合珠蛋白型别及其遗传易感性

    Serum haptoglobin phenotypes of patients with recurrent aphthous ulceration and their susceptibility

  13. 结合珠蛋白和铁蛋白在急性肺栓塞中的表达变化

    Expression changes in haptoglobin and ferritin after acute pulmonary embolism

  14. 结合珠蛋白遗传多态性与恶性肿瘤关系的研究

    Studies on relationship between haptoglobin genetic polymorphisms and malignant cancer

  15. 电离辐射后小鼠骨髓组成中结合珠蛋白的表达规律研究

    Research on the expression of haptoglobin in bone marrow of irradiated mice

  16. 结合珠蛋白,绵羊抗人;冰冻切片,IH/ID。

    Haptoglobin , Sheep anti-Human ; frozen , IH / ID.

  17. 儿童5种多基因遗传病与结合珠蛋白遗传多态的关系

    Relationship between Genetic Polymorphism of Haptoglobin and Five Polygenetic Inherited Diseases in Children

  18. 人结合珠蛋白抗血清的制备

    Preparation of anti - human haptoglobin anti serum

  19. 子宫内膜异位症患者血浆和腹膜液中结合珠蛋白β链亚型的表达

    Haptoglobin β chain isoforms in the plasma and peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis

  20. 再生障碍性贫血血清结合珠蛋白、β2微球蛋白检测

    Serum haptoglobin and β _2 microglobulin determination in aplastic anemia and its clinical application

  21. 实验小鼠结合珠蛋白的研究

    Study on Haptoglobin of Laboratory Mice

  22. 原发性肝癌患者血清前白蛋白、α1-抗胰蛋白酶、α1-酸性糖蛋白及结合珠蛋白含量的分析

    Analysis of changes in serum prealbumin , a1-antitrypsin , a1-acid glycoprotein and haptoglobin in patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma

  23. 结合珠蛋白遗传性多态现象与疾病关系的研究&Ⅰ.广东群体结合珠蛋白遗传性多态现象的特点

    Studies on Relationship between Haptoglobin Genetic Polymorphisms and Diseases & I. Characters of Haptoglobin Genetic Polymorphisms in A Guangdong Population

  24. 【结论】结合珠蛋白在颅内动脉瘤患者血清中表达升高,可能参与了颅内动脉瘤的形成及扩张。

    Conclusion Haptoglobin is highly expressed in patients with intracranial aneurysm , and probably contribute to formation and expansion of intracranial aneurysm .

  25. 本文报告了从利凡诺-硫酸铵法生产人血免疫球蛋白的废渣中,制备结合珠蛋白的一种简易方法。

    A simpler method for preparing haptoglobin from the waste residue of Rivanol-ammonium sulphate fractionation of human serum during the production of human immunoglobulin is described .

  26. 正常皮肤中只见到表皮中下部、毛囊、皮脂腺导管部位的朗格汉斯细胞胞浆中含有结合珠蛋白;

    Expression of haptoglobin in the cytoplasm of Langerhans cells is observed only in the lower-middle epidermis , hair follicles , and the ducts of sebaceous gland .

  27. 方法通过变性的不连续聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(12%SDS-PAGE),硝酸银染色确定结合珠蛋白表型。

    Methods Haptoglobin phenotypes were determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( SDS-PAGE ) in a discontinuous buffer system , and then confirmed by staining with silver nitrate .

  28. 本文测定了广西籍共342名个体血清结合珠蛋白的含量,其均值和标准差为108±40.58mgHb%。

    The serum Hp level of 342 healthy individuals of 4 ethnics in Guangxi was measured and its average value was found to be 108 mg Hb % and the standard deviation 40.58 mg Hb % .

  29. 结果:615鼠血清蛋白质在聚丙烯酰胺凝胶上可分离出13~15条区带,脂蛋白3条、白蛋白2条、糖蛋白5条、铜蓝蛋白1条、血红蛋白1条、结合珠蛋白3条。

    Results : The 615 mice serum proteins were separated to 13-15 bands on the disc polyacrylamide gel . 3 patterns in lipoprotein , 2 patterns in albumin , 5 patterns in glycoprotein , 1 pattern in ceruloplasmin , 1 pattern in hemoglobin , 3 patterns in haptoglobin .