
  1. 介绍绍兴市人民医院科技创新的经验及成效。

    Introduce the experience and effects of scientific and technological innovation in Shaoxing People 's Hospital .

  2. 介绍绍兴市人民医院实施绩效考核的经验和体会。

    The article introduces the practice and experience in conducting performance assessment in People 's Hospital , Shaoxing City .

  3. 介绍了绍兴市人民医院后勤服务社会化财务管理的改革经验:资产评估、两权分离、优化配置、盘活存量;

    The article introduces the experience in reforming financial management in socializing logistics services of the People 's Hospital , Shaoxing City : Property assessment , separation of two powers , optimization of allocation , activating existing stock ;