
  • 网络block post
  1. 该系统可以方便快速地从DOM中提取线路所需的带状影像图以辅助选线。

    It makes the stripe image picking up in DOM expediently and fleetly .

  2. 随着PLC的发展,PLC的功能越来越强大,采用软件方式可完成以往由电子元件组成的固定线路所实现或不能实现的控制功能。

    With the rapid development of PLC , software is capable of performing the control functions which can or can not be performed by fixed electronic element circuit .

  3. 本文介绍近两年在暂态网络分析仪(以下简称TNA)上对10条输电线路所作的暂态分析结果。

    This paper presents TNA studies of electromagnetic transient analyses on 10 transmission lines .

  4. 青海电网自1992年首次挂网合成绝缘子试运行,从1994年开始,逐步在全省电网输电线路所处的Ⅲ、Ⅳ级重污区(35kV~330kV)直线串上大面积挂网试运行。

    Qinghai electric power netting first hung netting to test running composite insulator since 1992.From 1994 beginning , it hung netting step by step to test running in all Province ⅲ,ⅳ grade heavy pollution flashover area ( 35kV-330kV ) .

  5. 阐述了地铁车站隧道施工前对上方既有铁路线路所采用的加固措施、加固方案安全性评价以及过站区隧道施工方法。

    In this paper , the connecting tunnels construction method and the railway reinforcement method are discussed .

  6. 本文就如何缩短供电半径问题提出了增加新电源点,然后重新规划配电线路所走路径的解决方案。

    This needs to increase the new supply point , and then take the new path of power distribution lines .

  7. 根据开断线路所产生的扰动域来确定继电保护的整定计算范围;

    According to the disturbance area caused by removal lines from power system , the setting area of relays is chosen ;

  8. 得出现阶段适用的最优方案是新增无人值守线路所,并投入实践。

    Concluded that at this stage the application of best practices is a new unmanned lines , and put into practice .

  9. 零星分布的油井所组成的小斑块以及连接它们的线路所组成的廊道,代表了石油勘探及开发在该区的发展轨迹;

    Corridors consist of lines connected with patches of oil fields , which reveals the development path of oil prospecting in the area .

  10. 中国官员夸口这条刚投入运行的高铁线路所采用的自主技术创下了世界纪录。

    A new high-speed rail line has been opened in China amid boasts from officials over the use of domestic technology to set world records .

  11. 随着油田生产状况的不断变化,地层产液能力下降,供电线路所带负荷也会相应改变。

    With the continuous changes of oilfield system production situation and the drop of ability to strata producing liquid , the load on line should change correspondently .

  12. 巴士完成一次线路所用时间为25分钟,在下一班出发前允许有5分钟的时间以弥补可能的延误。

    The single journey time on a bus route is25 mins , and5 mins is allowed in the schedule before the next journey to recover from any late running .

  13. 电力系统高压输电线路所发生的线路故障90%以上是单相接地故障、且大都是暂时性的,系统多采用单相自动重合闸来消除故障。

    More than 90 % faults occurred in power system high-voltage transmission lines are single-phase-to-ground faults , and mostly temporary , the system adopt the single-pole auto-reclosure to eliminate the faults .

  14. 线路所道岔纳入相邻车站联锁的方案研究出租车联络箱位于其停车处,在那里出租车排好队,等候上路。

    Study on Scheme Bringing Switch Machines of Block Post into Centralized Interlocking of Adjacent Station Taxi call boxes would be located at taxi stands , where taxis would queue for trips .

  15. 不同的运输线路所产生的成本也不相同,集装箱班轮公司如何选择合理的路线运送集装箱,使集装箱运输的成本最低,成为班轮公司最紧要的问题。

    Since the cost varies depending on the different transportation routes , the rational choice of each container can reduce the cost of a liner shipping company 's transportation system to the minimum .

  16. 根据对覆冰线路所取得的经验,提出对重冰线路防护对策采取“避、抗、融、改、防”5项措施。

    According to the experience of icing on line , the5 measures " to avoid , fight , melt alter , guard against " were put forward for preventing icing on power transmission line .

  17. 雅安经石棉至泸沽高速公路是国家高速公路网中的重要路段,线路所经区域地形复杂、地貌类型多样,公路沿线附近断裂构造发育,地震活动频繁。

    The highway from Ya ' an-Shimian-Lugu is important sections of the State Highway Network . The line through the region where have complex topography and diverse landscape . Faults development along highway , seismic activity frequently .

  18. 在我国西部高海拔地区建设超、特高压输电线路所面临的电晕问题比平原地区更加严重,研究不同海拔下导线的起晕特性对于指导超、特高压输电线路的设计具有重要意义。

    Building UHV transmission project in high altitude region of western China , corona discharge is more serious than plain . It is important to research on corona onset characteristics of conductors at different altitudes for the design of UHV transmission project .

  19. 建立了仿真模型,对线路所带负荷、不同过渡电阻对中性点脉宽注入法的影响及该方法对供电的影响进行了分析。

    A simulation model is built and the influences of the loads of transmission lines and various transition resistances on neutral point pulse width injection method as well as the influence of neutral point pulse width injection method on power supply are analyzed .

  20. 用不同的国际标准说明了各种线路网所能承受的干扰脉冲的最大振幅,对几种新型EMI陶瓷滤波器的结构与装配技术进行了描述。

    The maximum amplitude of interference spikes that may be borne by various mains is specified in deferent international standards .

  21. 首先,ATS系统通过联锁获取信号设备状态信息,逻辑判断列车在线路中所处的计轴区段,确定列车识别号的追踪位置。

    That is , ATS system firstly gets signal devices status via interlocking and logically determines the track or axle counter section occupied by the train to get the tracking location of train identification .

  22. 针对输电线路上所用超大方量(282m3)基础,采用大体积砼浇灌程序和测温控制技术。

    For transmission lines on the road used by large volume ( 282m3 ) foundation , the use of mass concrete watering procedures and temperature control technology .

  23. 分析了断路器分闸于故障线路时所引起的暂态行波的产生机理。

    The generation mechanism of transient travelling waves caused by fault tripping of transmission lines is analyzed .

  24. 误码率与归一化信噪化的函数曲线、可以表征在介质传输系统中,线路噪声所引起的误码增值。

    Error multiplication caused by channel noise in eletric transmission system can be demmonstrated by signal to noise ratio between error rate function curve .

  25. 随着电力系统的扩大,受线路走廊所限的缘故,互感线路日益增多。

    With the development of power systems , the number of transmission lines with mutual inductance is constantly increasing for the limitation of line corridors .

  26. 光缆线路中断所带来的损失是巨大的,因此有必要建立一个实时、自动光缆监测系统。

    The loss from the optical cable broken is enormous , it is necessary to establish a automatic and real time optical cable monitoring system .

  27. 桥梁在整个线路中所占比重越来越大,也使得地震发生时列车在桥上的机率大为增加。

    As the percentage of bridges in the whole line is becoming higher and higher , it is possible that the train is moving on the bridge when earthquake happens .

  28. 桥梁结构在高速铁路线路中所占的比例很大,而其耐久性研究已成为我国高速铁路建造的技术难点。

    Bridge structure occupy a large percentage of the high speed railway line , therefore , the durability research of bridge structures in our country has become the technology difficulties in the high-speed railway construction .

  29. 介绍钢化玻璃绝缘子相对于传统陶瓷绝缘子的优良性能,以及考虑其在输电线路中所起的作用,从设计上来优化其特性。

    It is introduced the advantages of toughened glass insulator compare with the traditional porcelain insulator , and optimized the properties from the design point of view on considering its ' functions among the electricity transmission line .

  30. 而在我国,由于部分地区独特的地理特征,每年的冬天极易形成线路舞动所需的天气条件,因此我国是舞动的多发区之一。

    In our country , for the unique geographical features in some areas , it is very easy to form the special weather conditions which can lead to lines ' galloping in annual winter . Therefore , China is one of the galloping-prone areas .