
  • 网络Tax Planning;tax-planning;Tax paying Planning
  1. 第四章本文主要对XY房地产公司所进行的生产经营做了一个全面的纳税筹划,使之达到了成本最小化,提高了本企业的竞争力。

    Chapter IV carries out a comprehensive tax planning for the production and operation of XY real estate Company , in order to minimize the cost and enhance the competitiveness .

  2. 纳税筹划和盈余管理的基本问题分析。

    The fundamental question of tax planning and earnings management analysis .

  3. 本论文以BG磨料磨具公司的纳税筹划作为研究对象。

    This paper takes taxation planning of BG Abrasive Company as a research object .

  4. 论会计方法的选择对企业纳税筹划的影响

    Discussion on Influences of Choice of Accounting Methods to Taxes Planning

  5. 巧用税收临界点进行纳税筹划

    To Design Tax Paying By Using the Critical Point of Taxes

  6. 我国私营企业纳税筹划相关问题研究

    A Study on Tax Planing of Our Country 's Private Enterprise

  7. 企业集团化发展中的纳税筹划理念及实施价值

    The Thoughts and Implementing Value of Tax-planning in Business Group Development

  8. 新会计准则及其对纳税筹划的影响。

    The New accounting standards and their impact on tax planning .

  9. 对企业进行所得税纳税筹划的条件、风险及其控制的方法作系统的探讨。

    Secondly , the conditions and risk-control methods are discussed systematically .

  10. 纳税筹划不同于避税和偷税。

    Tax planning is different from tax avoidance and tax evasions .

  11. 现代企业纳税筹划策略研究浅谈税务筹划策略

    A study on planning tactics of modern enterprises pay - taxes

  12. 企业物流税与纳税筹划

    Tax on material flow and tax planning scheme in enterprises

  13. 第三,企业纳税筹划理论体系落后。

    Third , the theory of taxes planning is backgound .

  14. 企业财务活动过程中的纳税筹划研究

    Research of Tax-Paying Plan in Process of the Financial Affairs

  15. 成都市A房地产公司纳税筹划方案设计

    Design Tax-planning Project of A Real Estate Company in Chengdu

  16. 浅谈个人所得税中的纳税筹划问题

    Talk about the Problem in the Tax Planning of Personal Income Tax

  17. 试论企业纳税筹划旅游业税收贡献的分类测算方法

    On the Classified Calculating Approach of Tax Revenue Contribution in Tourism Industry

  18. 浅谈企业投资中的纳税筹划

    On the Rate Paying Planning in the Investment of Enterprise

  19. 企业改制、重组、纳税筹划;

    System of business reforming , assets recombination and projecting for taxes ;

  20. 第二部分,增值税纳税筹划的相关理论。

    The second part involves theory of VAT tax planning .

  21. 浅谈企业捐赠活动中的纳税筹划

    Study on Tax Planning in the Enterprises ' donating Activities

  22. 浅谈企业纳税筹划与财务风险

    Talking about the Taxation Plan and Financial Risk of Enterprise

  23. 企业纳税筹划策略与实证分析

    A Analyse on the Strategy and Demonstration of Tax Planning for Companies

  24. 浅谈成本费用的纳税筹划

    Discussion on the plan and preparation of tax report on the costs

  25. 基于价值创造的外贸企业纳税筹划

    Tax Planning Based on Value Creation for Foreign Trade Enterprises

  26. 再通过分析、建立企业纳税筹划目标体系。

    Through further systematic analysis , it builds goals-specific business taxation models .

  27. 高新技术企业纳税筹划下的组织形式选择

    Organization Forms Choice of High-tech Enterprises from the View of Tax Planning

  28. 长期投资会计政策的选择对纳税筹划的影响

    Long-term Investment Policy and its Impact on the Tax Planning

  29. 第二部分是纳税筹划的基本理论与方法介绍。

    Part two introduces the basic theory and planning method .

  30. 论纳税筹划的基本原则及其运用

    A discussion on basic tax planning principles and its application