
  • 网络Naryn;Wache Kworonesin Narren;Pan Nalin;Nalin Pan;Generon
  1. 更为有趣的白葡萄酒是emir和来自东北偏远地区的更加苦涩的纳伦斯,前者是信基督教的卡帕多奇亚这片神奇土地上的产物,这里能够制造出坚硬、有矿香味的干白。

    Much more interesting for white wine are Emir , a native of the extraordinary landscape of Christian Cappadocia , which can make firm , mineral-scented dry whites , and the rather more fragile narince from the far north-east .

  2. 有理由怀疑纳伦斯-诺埃尔是否能成长为可靠的先发中锋,这些理由包括他的伤病史、场外红灯行为和非常有限的进攻手段。

    There are legitimate reasons to doubt that Nerlens Noel can blossom into a dependable starting center , including his injury history , off-court red flags , and extremely limited offensive game .