
  1. 红专厂制罐街D2的表叔茶餐厅已经准备好了经典港式下午茶恭候大家。

    The Uncle restaurant is there waiting for you all with classic Hong Kong-style high tea on D2 Can Street at Redtory .

  2. 开演之前,工作人员带着专业器材来到红专厂。

    The staff brought professional equipment to Redtory before the show began .

  3. 今天给大家介绍红专厂里面一个很特别的地方&EMG大石馆。

    Hello ! Today we will introduce you the attractive EMG Stone Gallery .

  4. 红专厂的创意路牌引起了总领事的兴趣。

    The creativity embedded in the road sign in Redtory has captured the attention of the consul general .

  5. 虽然现在已经踏入了秋天,但红专厂里还是充满了无限生机。

    Although it is already early fall , Redtory is still filled up with endless opportunities for lives .

  6. 九月二日,广州意大利领事馆一行来到红专厂进行参观访问。

    On September2nd , the officers of Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou paid a visit to Redtory .

  7. 夏日的红专厂里,一群蹦着跳着、无忧无虑的孩子正在享受着盼望已久的暑假。

    This summer , there 's a group of light-hearted and careless children enjoy their long-expected summer holiday at Redtory .

  8. 您将有机会将您的作品刊登在红专厂第一期纪念刊上,并获得红专厂送出的神秘礼物。

    Winners will have theirs works printed on the first edition of the Redtory Magazine and receive secret gifts from Redtory .

  9. 本次视察的领导和专家对于红专厂保留历史建筑的成果和现在的发展状况均表示十分赞赏。

    The leaders and experts expressed their appreciation on the achievement of preserving historic buildings and the development which had been achieved .

  10. 八月末的一个周五,广州瑞士领事馆一行来到红专厂进行参观访问。

    On a Friday towards the end of August , the Consulate General of Switzerland and his family paid a visit to Redtory .

  11. 主办:红专厂艺术生活区,广东省美术家协会雕塑委员会,广州美术学院雕塑系。

    Organizer : Redtory Art and Living District , Guangdong Provincial Artist Association Sculpture Committee , Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts .

  12. 今天知道广州也有这样的艺术区,特别希望红专厂能够跟我们十三区的艺术家进行交流。

    Today I see that Guangzhou also has such art areas , so I hope Redtory could have more communication with artists in the13th District .

  13. 能够吸引业内精英的赞赏和支持,未来红专厂将会为市民和业界带来更多优秀的国际化展览和活动。

    With approval and support from the elites in art and design circle , Redtory would bring more appealing international exhibitions and activities for both ordinary citizens and the professionals .

  14. 在丹麦,艺术是他们生活中很重要的一部分,他们常常会去逛逛画廊,因此都很喜欢红专厂将艺术和生活结合的理念。

    In Denmark , art and galleries are an important part of their life , which makes it easy for them to recognize the concept of Redtory to combine art with life .

  15. 令人意想不到的是,在上午的探访之后,下午又再抽空专程过来深入体验红专厂对文化、艺术及城市记忆的保存和发扬。

    What was beyond our expectation is that they paid a second visit to Redtory in the afternoon to further experience the restoration and development of culture , art and city memories here .

  16. 手机,数码相机,或单反相机,专业或不专业,游客也好,摄影爱好者也好,都纷纷用镜头定格红专厂里特别的美景。

    No matter whether you are using cell phones , digital cameras , or digital SLR cameras , professional or unprofessional , tourists or photography lovers , the beautiful scenery at Redtory must be recorded .