
  • 网络Sonora state
  1. 北部索诺拉州总检察长穆列塔在新闻发布会上说,被捕的七名官员全部来自该州的金融部门,被控以过失杀人罪。

    The attorney general of Northern Sonora State Abel Murrieta told a news conference that seven officials , all from the state 's finance department , were being charged with negligent homicide .

  2. 经过了这些年父母给孩子取了不少蠢名字,墨西哥索诺拉州发布了一张取名名单,禁止取名贬义的、轻蔑的、有歧视的或贫穷的含义。

    After years of parents giving their children silly names the Mexican state of Sonora released a list of of names that were banned for being derogatory , pejorative , discriminatory or lacking in meaning .