
  • 网络Sugar Dough
  1. 超声提取款冬花多糖的响应面法工艺优化

    Optimization for Ultrasonic Wave Extraction of Polysaccharide from Tussilago Farfara by Response Surface Method

  2. 海金沙草;多糖;响应面分析;降维分析;

    Lygodium japonicum ; polysaccharide ( PSA ); response surface methodology ( RSM ); dimension reduction analysis ( DRA );

  3. 将另一半糍粑成大小、厚薄差不多的片,盖在其上,再把芝麻糖撒在面上,切成块就可以了。

    The other half of Ciba into size , thickness or less the same film , cover on it , then sprinkle the surface of sesame sugar , cut into pieces on it .