
  • 网络roomie;Skip Beat's song
  1. 凡住在洗巴家里的人都作了米非波设的仆人。

    And all who dwelt in the house of Ziba were servants to Mephibosheth .

  2. 大卫说,米非波设。

    And David said , Mephibosheth .

  3. 王对洗巴说,凡属米非波设的都归你了。

    Then said the king to Ziba , Behold , thine are all that pertained unto Mephibosheth .

  4. 米非波设有一个小儿子名叫米迦。凡住在洗巴家里的人、都作了米非波设的仆人。

    Mephibosheth had a young son named Mica , and all the members of Ziba 's household were servants of Mephibosheth .

  5. 王又说,米非波设必与我同席吃饭,如王的儿子一样。

    As for Mephibosheth , said the king , he shall eat at my table , as one of the king 's sons .

  6. 于是米非波设住在耶路撒冷,常与王同席吃饭。他两腿都是瘸的。

    So Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem : for he did eat continually at the king 's table ; and was lame on both his feet .

  7. 8米非波设又叩拜说、仆人算甚麽、不过如死狗一般、竟蒙王这样眷顾。

    And he bowed himself , and said , What is thy servant , that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am ?

  8. 对米非词酮多次用药后大鼠子代的生长发育、生殖毒性、遗传毒性以及形态变化等进行了研究。

    Objective : To investigate the growth rate , the organ morphology and the reproductive and genetic toxicity in the progeny of rats after repeated doses of mifepristone .

  9. 扫罗的孙子,约拿单的儿子米非波设来见大卫,伏地叩拜。

    Now when Mephibosheth , the son of Jonathan , the son of Saul , was come unto David , he fell on his face , and did reverence .

  10. 米非波设对王说,我主我王既平平安安地回宫,就任凭洗巴都取了也可以。

    And Mephibosheth said unto the king , Yea , let him take all , forasmuch as my lord the king is come again in peace unto his own house .

  11. 他的挚友斐理伯收殓了他的尸首。他却害怕安提约古的儿子,就去埃及,投奔了仆托肋米非罗默托。

    But Philip that was brought up with him , carried away his body : and out of fear of the son of Antiochus , went into Egypt to Ptolemee Philometor .

  12. 你和你的众子、仆人、要为你主人的儿子米非波设耕种田地、把所产的拿来供他食用.他却要常与我同席吃饭。

    You and your sons and your servants are to farm the land for him and bring in the crops , so that your master 's grandson may be provided for .

  13. 他来到耶路撒冷迎接王的时候,王问他说,米非波设,你为什么没有与我同去呢。

    And it came to pass , when he was come to Jerusalem to meet the king , that the king said unto him , Wherefore wentest not thou with me , mephibosheth ?

  14. 王因为曾与扫罗的儿子约拿单指着耶和华起誓结盟,就爱惜扫罗的孙子,约拿单的儿子米非波设,不交出来。

    But the king spared Mephibosheth , the son of Jonathan the son of Saul , because of the LORD 's oath that was between them , between David and Jonathan the son of Saul .

  15. 却把爱雅的女儿利斯巴给扫罗所生的两个儿子亚摩尼,米非波设,和扫罗女儿米甲的姐姐给米何拉人巴西莱儿子亚得列所生的五个儿子。

    But the king took Armoni and mephibosheth , the two sons of Saul to whom rizpah , the daughter of aiah , had given birth ; and the five sons of saul 's daughter merab , whose father was adriel , the son of Barzillai the meholathite .