
cuàn wèi
  • Usurpation;usurp the throne
篡位 [cuàn wèi]
  • [usurp the throne] 臣子夺取君主的权位

篡位[cuàn wèi]
  1. 公元前401年波斯国王阿尔塔萨西斯二世打败他年轻的想篡位的弟弟的战争。

    Battle in 401 BC when the Persian King Artaxerxes II defeated his younger brother who tried to usurp the throne .

  2. 这是说,如果戈林在得悉元首去世的消息后不设法篡位的话。

    That is , if Goering , on learning of the Fuehrer 's death , did not try to usurp the throne .

  3. 篡位者从国王手里夺得了权力。

    The usurper wrested the power from the king .

  4. 莎士比亚历史剧中的篡位君王形象研究

    A Study on the Images of Usurper King in Shakespeare 's History Play

  5. 在人们口中,法兰克福、甚至巴黎都成了可能夺走伦敦皇冠的篡位者。

    Frankfurt and even Paris were mooted as possible usurpers of London 's crown .

  6. 凯稜莫,篡位者,死亡之父,死神。

    Kelemvor , the Usurper , Father of All Dead , God of Death .

  7. 某些城邦拥有选举产生甚至世袭的君主;还有一些城邦则掌握在篡位者或暴君子里。

    In some there are elected or even hereditary kings , in some usurpers or tyrants .

  8. 最后,莫德雷德爵士试图篡位,给圆桌骑士这一集体以致命的一击。

    The mortal blow to the Round Table ws given by Sir Modred , who tried to seize Arthur 's power .

  9. 他很容易推断那就是贫儿汤姆·康第有意利用他那千载难逢的机会,成了一个篡位的角色。

    He easily concluded that the pauper lad , Tom Canty , had deliberately taken advantage of his stupendous opportunity and become a usurper .

  10. 在九分王战役中,赛尔弥可是那个杀出一条血路最终砍掉了最后的黑火篡位者的人。

    During the War of the Ninepenny Kings , Selmy had cut a bloody path through their ranks to slay the last of the Blackfyre Pretenders .

  11. 普利斯蒂安的确是因为想篡位而死,但他是自杀的,而他的阴谋也被皇帝禁止做任何调查。

    Priscianus did indeed die for aspiring to the throne , but by his own hand , and about his conspiracy also the emperor forbade any investigation .

  12. 在我王国中的某个公爵或王子可能会企图谋杀小亚瑟而篡位。

    One of the dukes or princes in my kingdom may try to kill little Arthur and steal the crown for himself , @ the king went on .

  13. 剧中的理查三世是个虚伪狡诈的暴君—一个谋权篡位的凶手—由于白贝芝雄浑的嗓音和精彩的表演使这一形象在舞台上活灵活现。

    Richard the Third was a wicked king - a murderer - but he was wonderful on the stage , with Burbage 's great voice and fine acting .

  14. 公元前6年,王莽篡位,3年后建立新朝。

    In 6 B. C. , Wang Mang , a nephew of the empress of Emperor Yuandi , usurped the throne and three years later founded the Xin Dynasty .

  15. 可是,辛巴朴实纯真,只知道和青梅竹马的女友娜娜玩耍,不能承担父亲托付的重任,这一切使王叔刀疤蠢蠢欲动,设计杀兄篡位。

    However Simba simple innocence , only play with childhood girlfriend Nana , cannot undertake father entrusted mission , all around Wang Shu scar , depose brother design to kill .

  16. 令人遗憾的是,军事专制从本质上讲,似乎是能长期存在的,但是,说它取决于第一个篡位者的寿命是不对的。

    Military despotism , unfortunately , is too likely in its nature to be permanent , and it is not true that it depends on the life of the first usurper .

  17. 诸多君主皆极为担忧禁卫军谋权篡位,最好解决办法莫过于从国外雇佣卫队,因为外籍士兵完全无望在本国身居高位。

    Being overthrown by their own palace guard is a risk faced by many rulers , and one way to prevent this is to hire guards from outside of their own cultures , who cannot hope to wield power themselves .

  18. 法老王绝不会自动放弃手中的最高权力,更不愿被阴谋篡位者“吃掉”,他会竭尽全力,以反抗以“吞没”为梦象的篡位者。

    Pharaoh will not give up in the hands of the supreme power , but do not want to be a conspiracy usurper " eat ", he will make every effort to resist the " swamped " as the dream as a usurper .

  19. 王氏家族的崛起和篡位:新朝的创立者王莽是利用西汉末年政治腐败,通过外戚专政来夺取皇位的。

    Chinese historians call this period as the Eastern Han . The rise and reign of the Wang Clan : Avdling himself of the political corrup-tion in the later years of the Western Han , Wang Mang , the founder of the Xin Dynasty , usurped the throne through consort clans monopolizing power .
