
ɡuǎn lǐ zhàn
  • Management station;administrative/managerial station
  1. SNMPAgent的安全性和多管理站访问机制的实现

    The Realization of SNMP Agent 's Security Module and Multi-manager Access Algorithm

  2. HPSNMP++SNMP管理站开发包的分析

    The Analyse of HP SNMP + + SNMP Management Station Development Kit

  3. 基于Web的网关监视可以使管理员离开网关主机或固定管理站时也可监视网关工作情况,是一种非常灵活的网关监视方式。

    The Web-based gateway monitoring , which is very flexible monitoring method , could also make the manager look into the gateway 's running even if he is absent from the gateway host or management station .

  4. 提出了一种基于消息服务器的路由器网络管理站结构,实现了网络管理站各功能模块间的信息共享,并提供了与Web服务器的实时联系。

    This paper provides a structure of message server-based routers network management station . It has realized the information sharing among every module of network management station , and established the real-time relations with Web server .

  5. 本文首先讨论了嵌入式SNMPAgent与MIB编译器的设计,之后,介绍了与该Agent配套的管理站的设计。

    In the paper , we discuss the design of embedded SNMP Agent and MIB Compiler . We also introduce the design of Manager , which be used for the Agent specially .

  6. 在主校区建立主管理站,主管理站通过RMI接口与各域管理站进行交互,控制域管理站的操作,同时域管理站将生成的故障记录汇聚到主管理站的中央数据库中。

    A principal manager should be built in the main campus , which interact on domain managers with RMI interface and control its operation .

  7. 软件架构设计包括SNMP管理站和SNMP代理端两部分:(1)针对视频会议系统网络管理端。

    The design of software architecture includes the two parts & SNMP management station and SNMP Agent : ( 1 ) In allusion to network management station of video conferencing system .

  8. 该系统包括SNMP管理站和委托代理两部分:委托代理通过RS232/RS485接口实现了对设备的本地管理;

    Through RS232 / RS485 interface , the Proxy Agent can monitor local components , and through SNMP , the Network Management System exchanges information with the Proxy Agent , by which way it achieves remote management .

  9. 管理站还设计了一套独立的高精度的数据采集系统,它由IEEE-488接口与管理站计算机通讯,管理站计算机以此为标准修正智能仪表及协调现场控制台控制。

    An independent high accuracy data acquisition system is also designed in management station to correct and coordinate the field station by using the high speed IEEE-488 GPIB bus .

  10. 提出了基于SNMP协议的被管对象的一种比较通用的Subagent模型,该Subagent帮助网络管理站收集被管对象的可管信息,并在必要时发送告警信息给网络管理站。

    In this paper , a general subagent model in managed object based on SNMP is presented which helps network management station to gather information of managed object and gives an alarm to network management station whenever errors occur .

  11. 介绍了TDC3000集散控制系统在氧化铝悬浮焙烧工序的应用情况,并以主炉燃烧控制为例,重点介绍了高级过程管理站(APM)控制回路的实现方式。

    The application of TDC 3000 collector control system in suspension roasting process of aluminium oxide is described in this paper . Taking the control of main furnace combuster as an example , the authors describe the way to achieve the APM control circuit .

  12. 这是一个桌面管理站,能管理壁纸/事件。

    Desktop Manager - Desktop manager manages wallpaper / events .

  13. 大足县种子管理站,重庆;

    Seed Administration Station of Dazu County , Chongqing ;

  14. 即在域管理站之上增加了一个主管理站。

    In this thesis , is added a principal manager above all domain managers .

  15. 大型集装箱检测系统管理站的任务需求分析与结构规划

    Task Analysis and Structure Scheme for Center Manager Station in Large Container Inspection System

  16. 北京华油天然气有限责任公司板876储气库管理站;

    Ban876 Underground Gas Storage , Beijing Huayou Gas Co. , Ltd. ; 2 .

  17. 火灾报警系统由多个监测站和一个上位机管理站组成。

    Fire alarm system is made up of monitoring stations and PC management station .

  18. 管理站智能搜索过滤器位置,使过滤器对管理者完全透明,大大减轻了管理难度。

    The transparent filter lighten the management difficulty .

  19. 浅谈乡镇农机管理站效能建设的有效运行机制

    Effective Run System of Efficiency Construc-tion for Villages and Towns Agricultural Machinery Management Station

  20. 基于消息服务器的路由器网络管理站

    A Message Server-based Router Network Management Station

  21. 建筑的再生&大连市救助管理站改造方案设计思考

    Recycling of the Old Building & Consideration of the Rebuild Design Dalian Salvation Administer Station

  22. 对该模式的具体实施提出了由相对独立于工程建设各方的专门机构&工程造价管理站负责的管理机制,并对其优点进行了评述。

    This model and the advantages of the offices in charge the project cost management are appraised .

  23. 第二部分为空中交通管理站服务质量提升相关理论研究,作为全文研究的理论基础。

    The second part for air traffic management station to improve the service quality theory , as the theoretical foundation of this thesis .

  24. 根据卫星网络高动态性的特点,本文设计了多个地面分管理站对多个卫星管理域进行管理的网络管理体系结构。

    According to the high dynamic characteristic of satellite networks , this thesis designs a management structure composed of multiple ground stations manage multiple satellite domain networks .

  25. 网络管理站是网管系统的主要组成部分,它在保障网络的运行稳定性、高效性和服务质量等方面发挥着重要作用。

    Network management station is the main part of network management system , and it works most importantly in keeping network running stability , high-efficiency and quality of service .

  26. 广州市海洋与渔业自然保护区管理站救护部部长刘汉生对《广州日报》说,食蚊鱼是外来入侵物种,其投放应受到严格控制。

    Liu Hansheng , an official with the Administration of Oceans and Fisheries , told Guangzhou Daily that the fish were invasive and that their introduction should be carefully controlled .

  27. 中央控制室除安装有操作员站外,还设有过程控制系统工程师站、安全仪表系统工程师站、设备管理站。

    In addition to operator station , in the central control room is also installed the process control system engineer station , safety instrumentation system engineer station and facility management station .

  28. 介绍了研制的集中供热网络分布式计算机监控系统的结构、功能、特点、中央管理站、通讯网及应用效果。

    This paper describes distributed computer control sys - tem for centralized heating net , its structure , functions , center management station software structure , communication network , and its application .

  29. 利用管理站-过滤器分离技术,把透明过滤器灵活地布置到被保护资源的外部边缘,对网络离散资源进行精确隔离,提高了安全性。

    It strengthen the security of resources by the technique of separating the manage site and the filter , and the filter is flexibly placed to the outside of the protected resources .

  30. 为新疆耐盐新品种的审定与推广提供科学依据,自治区种子管理站在2000&2002年布置了耐盐小麦的区域品比试验。

    The test of regional comparison had been arranged by Seed Management Department of Xinjiang province in 2000 - 2002 years to offer the scientific basis of new varieties of salt-tolerant wheat in Xinjiang .