
  1. 关于四环素&金属离子配合物与DNA的作用

    On the interactive functions of metal ion , tetracycline and DNA

  2. 某些蛋白质同银(Ⅰ)-铜(Ⅱ)离子配合物的IR、Raman和UV/VIS光谱研究

    IR , Raman and UV / VIS spectroscopic studies on some proteins with silver (ⅰ) copper (ⅱ) ion

  3. Cr~(3+)离子配合物电子结构和d-d跃迁谱的研究

    Study on Electronic Structure and d-d Excited Energies of Cr ~ ( 3 + ) Complexes

  4. 本论文着眼于发夹型DNA荧光探针新方法的研究,主要开展以下三个方面的工作:(1)基于时间分辨荧光技术,设计了一种利用铕离子配合物作为荧光基团的发夹型荧光探针。

    This paper focus on hairpin type of DNA fluorescence probe new method research , mainly in the following three areas : Based on room-temperature phosphorescence , designed a hairpin probe which using Eu3 + ion complexes as fluorescence group .

  5. 同时对PQP的卤代修饰物,铝离子配合物及半胱氨取代物的光物理、光化学性质进行了研究,探讨不同修饰基团对PQP光敏活性的影响及其规律。

    The photophysical and photochemical characters of halogen and cysteamine substituted PQP , together with Al3 + - complexed PQ , have also been studied .

  6. 所有的金属离子配合物又采用相对论有效芯势(RECP)LanL2DZ基组(除Li~+、Be~(2+)外)做了对照计算;

    For the structures of all the metal catons ( with the except Li + , Be2 + ) complexes , the relativistic effective core potentials ( RECP ) LanL2DZ were used .

  7. 非平面分子内电荷转移离子配合物的合成及其光物理性质

    Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Nonplanar Intramolecular Charge Transfer Ionic Complex

  8. 二价金属离子配合物体系水解平衡计算机模拟

    Computer modeling of hydrolytic equilibrium in bivalent metal ion complex system

  9. 配体对稀土离子配合物的最大吸收波长的影响;

    The ligand s influence to the excitation of complexes ;

  10. 几种固态芳烃与银离子配合物形成常数的测定

    Determination of Complex Formation Constants Between Solid Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Silver Ion

  11. 水溶性顺酐共聚物与铬离子配合物研究

    Study on Complexes of Chromium Ions with Water Soluble Maleic Anhydride Copolymers

  12. 淫羊藿甙及其与金属离子配合物的电喷雾多级串联质谱研究

    Study on Icariin and Icariin-Metal Ion Complex by Electrospray Tandom Mass Spectrometry

  13. 三元离子配合物浮选光度法测定痕量镉(Ⅱ)的研究

    Study on the flotation spectrophotometric determination of trace Cd (ⅱ) by ion-pair complexes

  14. 甲壳质-重金属离子配合物的红外光谱研究

    Studies on the IR spectra of complexes of chitin with heavy metal ions

  15. 研究了聚合物与金属离子配合物的红外光谱。

    FTIR spectra of complexes of the polymer with metallic ions were studied .

  16. 黄芩苷与铝离子配合物的电喷雾质谱研究

    Studies on Baicalin-Al ~ ( 3 + ) Complexes Using Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry

  17. 十甲基五元瓜环与几种金属离子配合物的晶体结构

    Crystal Structure of the Decamethylcucurbit [ 5 ] uril Complexes with Some Metal Ions

  18. 类水滑石层板中常用金属离子配合物电子结构的密度泛函研究

    Theoretical Study of Electronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hydrotalcite Slabs

  19. 白杨素与过渡金属离子配合物的荧光性质及分析应用研究

    The Fluorescence Properties and Analytical Application Research of Chrysin and Its Transitional Metal Ion Complexes

  20. 2,4-二羟基苯乙酮缩氨基硫脲与铜锌、钴、镍离子配合物及其抑菌活性

    Copper , Zinc , Cobalt , Nickel Ions Complexes Of 2,4-Dihydroxyacetophenone Thiosemicarbazone And Their Antibacterial Activities

  21. 诱导驰豫速率法研究水溶液中镧系离子配合物结构

    The Structural Study Lanthanide Complex With Nicotinic Acid in Aqueous Solution by Induced Relaxation Ratio Method

  22. 有色冠醚与钠、钾离子配合物稳定常数的测定

    Determination of the stability constants for the coordinates of coloured crowns with sodium and potassium ions

  23. 黄芩苷金属离子配合物药效学作用概述

    The Pharmacodynamics of Baicalin-metal ion Chelation

  24. 新型含吡啶环大环席夫碱与铬离子配合物的合成及其生物活性

    Synthesis of a new complex of chromium (ⅲ) with pyridine-containing macrocyclic Schiff base and its biological activity

  25. β-榄香烯及其银离子配合物的紫外及圆二色光谱研究

    Study on the ultraviolet and CD spectra of β - elemene and its silver ion coordination complex

  26. 18-冠醚-6及其碱金属离子配合物的原子电荷及构象能的分子力学研究

    The Molecular Mechanics Study of Atomic Charges and Conformation Energies of 18-Crown-6 and Its Alkali-metal Ion Complexes

  27. 用“磺基水杨酸与三价铁离子配合物的组成及稳定常数测定”实验谈因材施教问题

    Teaching method to experiment of " composition of sulphuric iron salicylate and the determination of its stable constants "

  28. 聚乙二醇-四苯硼酸根-金属离子配合物体系的研究Ⅰ.四苯硼酸钠电位滴定法测铅

    Studies on the system of polyethylene glycol-tetraphenylborate-metal ions ⅰ . potentiometric determination of lead using sodium tetraphenylborate as a titrant

  29. 氟哌酸及其衍生物与d~(10)组态金属离子配合物的合成及性质研究

    Study on the synthesis and property of complexes for norfloxacin and derivatives with d ~ ( 10 ) configuration metal ions

  30. 结果表明,其它条件相同,微波法制备的壳聚糖钙离子配合物钙离子的含量比水浴加热制备的配合物钙离子的含量较高。

    Compared to water bath heating , the contents of calcium of chitosan calcium ion complexes prepared by microwave heating were higher .