
  1. 《神笔马良》是我最喜欢的童话之一。

    Ma Liang the Magic Brush is one of my favourite tales .

  2. 星期五,我就要拿着三颗星去换“神笔章”了!

    I am going to exchange a new prize with these stars .

  3. 吾落神笔精神爽,巨龙腾飞诗篇现。

    I pen down the spirit of God cool dragon poems are off .

  4. 所以他用神笔画金子。

    So he painted gold with the magic paintbrush .

  5. 用你的神笔做些艺术的精减。

    And arts with thy sweet graces graced be ;

  6. 因为神笔不帮助他。

    The magic paintbrush didn 't help him .

  7. 这支“神笔”能帮助人们更好的欣赏大自然中五彩缤纷的颜色,有了它,艺术家们就能描绘出更斑斓、更美丽的色彩了。

    This superb device will help people to observe the changing colors of nature .

  8. 神笔张点燃烽火呼救却血染大漠。

    " Magic Brush " Zhang lighted the beacon-fire for help but was killed in the desert .

  9. 是大自然的魔笔,还是造物主的神笔?如此恣意浓浓淡淡,把大千染上了奇妙的缤纷色彩。

    Is it the magic pen of the Nature or the mystic brush of the Creator that so willfully and unscrupulously in thick or light colours dye the great universe wonderfully ?