- 网络magnetic bearings;AMB;PMB;AMBS

Neural network adaptive PID control of active magnetic bearings
Test and Simulation System for Magnetic Bearings of Centrifugal Machine Based on Visual Basic
Study on Dynamic Stability of Flywheel Rotor Supported by AMB Based on PID Controller
At the same times , the PWM switching amplifier for the AMB was researched .
The main content of this paper is about the design of digital control system of AMB based on DSP .
The relationship between carrying capacity of permanent magnet magnetic bearing and bearing clearance is got with the visualization simulation of MATLAB .
The routine PID controller had a bad adaptability on the operation of magnetic bearing system due to its inefficient parameter coordination .
Taking the axial magnetic bearing designed as the controlled member , and the control system of magnetic bearing is simulated by MATLAB .
Design and Implementation of SVPWM Switching Power Amplifiers for Active Magnetic Bearing
Third , digital control system of one freedom MB based on DSP is built and main circuit of digital control is analyzed .
Research on active magnetic bearings control based on CMAC neural networks
It adopted the optimization design idea based on H ∞ control . And the H ∞ control in the control design of magnetic bearing was applied .
The results of experiments show that decentralized PID controllers meet demands of hybrid magnetic bearings when couplings of movement and magnetic circuit are neglected .
At the basis of analysis of classical control methods , we optimize the control algorithm and deduce the digital PID control method of gas-magnetic bearing .
Finally , the control software of one freedom MB system is compiled using the DSP assembly language , and feasibility of the controller realization is appraised ;
From the point of the stiffness and damping , this paper studies on an AMBs rotor system which is based on decentralized control and using PID compensator .
Aiming at the instability , non-linearity and parameter incertitude of the active magnetic bearing ( AMB ), this paper proposes an adaptive PID controller based on BP neural networks .
Preliminary Study on Rotor Dynamics of Magnetic Bearing for 10MW High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor
The prototype utilizes MB system combined with radial PMB and single axial AMB , rotor axial displacement detection system based on Hall sensors , analog PID controller and linear power amplifier .
Passive permanent magnetic bearing is put on the top of the rotor to give a stable levitation force in the axial direction .
Software including control algorithm for 5 degree-of-freedom , AD interrupting , communication with PC was worked out . Finally , the 5 degree of freedom control system with the PID + FUZZY algorithm .
Study on the Relationship about Magnetic Bearings Rotor Structure and Natural Frequency for 10 MW High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor
In this research , two other control options for high speed machine were designed based on the optimal output feedback and the improved H ∞ output feedback control methods to improve the radical and axial position regulation of AMB .
The simulation results show that the control performance of the variable parameter PID controller is better than that of the conventional PID controllers , and sliding mode variable structure controller has high tracking precision and good robustness ;
In addition , simulation of neural network control has been carried out , and the results of simulation show that , for a complicated nonlinear system , neural network control has an advantage over additional PID control .
The research shows that the digital control system based on TMS320F240 can meet the requirements of magnetic bearing system .
In addition , the main failure mode and failure cause are determined by FMECA , which are main objects for further research into magnetic bearing reliability .
The hardware of a digital control system based on a fixed-point digital signal processor TMS320F240 , as well as software , is discussed .
According to gas-magnetic bearing 's requirement of the controller , we finish the design and implement of hardware of the digital controller of TMS320F2812 Processor .
MODELING OF A NONLINEAR SYSTEM WITH HYSTERESIS CHARACTERISTICS According to the character of bearing 's not linearity , we design Fuzzy-PID controller and deduce the fuzzy control 's table using MATLAB . At last , we realize the system by using the Digital Signal Processor chip ( TMS320F240 ) .