
cí zhèn zǐ
  • magnon
磁振子[cí zhèn zǐ]
  1. 研究表明,通过选取适当的系统参数,我们可以在磁振子系统中重现有限温度下光子的动力学Casimir效应这一量子光学现象。

    We show that by suitably choosing system parameters , we can reproduce the dynamical Casimir effect at finite temperature in this magnon system .

  2. 激光对磁振子压缩态的作用

    Effect of Laser on Squeezed States of Magnon

  3. 因此本文利用松原格林函数理论系统地研究了磁振子&声子耦合下的二维Heisenberg铁磁系统的磁振子激发与声子激发。

    Therefore , in this thesis Matsubara Green function theory has been used to explore magnon excitations and phonon excitations of two-dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnetic system under magnon-phonon coupling .

  4. 由这相等性,得出了海森堡反铁磁体所具有的性质,预言了Neel磁振子动力学质量生成。

    Therefore , The author get some qualities of Heisenberg antiferromagnet , and predict the dynamic mass generation by the Neel magnon .

  5. 连续变量纠缠在原子和磁振子系统中的理论研究

    Theoretical Research on Continuous Variable Entanglement in Atoms and Magnons Systems

  6. 禁忌3-磁振子相互作用哈密顿项的有效性分析

    Effectivity of Hamiltonian terms of " forbidden " 3 - magnon interaction

  7. 低温下一维绝缘铁磁链的磁振子软化

    The Softening of Magnon of One Dimensional Insulating Ferromagnetic Chain under Low Temperature

  8. 零温下在布里渊区边界二维绝缘铁磁体的磁振子软化

    The Magnon-softening of Two Dimensional Insulating Ferromagnet at the Boundary of Brillouin Zone at Absolute Zero Temperature

  9. 介质涂敷导电凸曲面上磁振子辐射场一致性几何绕射理论

    A UTD Solution for the Radiated Field from Slot on a Conducting Convex Surface with a Dielectric Coating

  10. 此外我们还考虑了声子和磁振子共振相互作用,作为声子散射机制之一,它最终影响了声子的弛豫时间。

    Magnon-phonon resonant interaction is considered as one of the scattering mechanisms that correct relaxation time of phonon .

  11. 以磁振子&声子相互作用研究海森堡系统的集体激发与因瓦效应动力学

    The Study of Collective Excitations and Invar Effect Dynamics in Heisenberg System Based on Magnon-phonon Interaction interaction of magnetic dipoles

  12. 发现在布里渊区边界区域磁振子谱的软化和磁振子谱线增宽最明显。

    It is concluded that at the boundary of Brillouin Zone there is a strong broadening in the magnon linewidth and softening .

  13. 钙钛矿锰氧化物的非弹性中子散射实验中发现了在低温下,晶带边界磁振子软化与磁振子谱线的增宽等现象。

    It is discovered that there exist broadening in the magnon line-width and magnon softening on the zone-boundary in the perovskite structure manganese oxide inelastic-neutron scattering experiment at low-temperature .

  14. 比较纵向声子与横向声子对磁振子谱的软化与磁振子谱线增宽的影响,并讨论各项参数的变化对磁振子谱的软化与磁振子谱线增宽的影响。

    The influences of longitudinal phonon and transverse phonon on the softening and broadening in the magnon linewidth are compared , and the influences of the parameters are also illustrated .

  15. 利用格林函数方法研究了磁振子声子相互作用下的一维绝缘铁磁链的磁振子谱,计算了布里渊区的磁振子色散曲线。

    By using Matsubara Green function theory , we have studied the magnon spectrum , and calculated the magnon dispersion curve on the Brillouin Zone for different parameters in the system .

  16. 特别地,我们选取了蓝失谐光晶格,提出了等效温度概念,并将这一系统中磁振子的激发过程与光学振动腔中光子的激发过程进行了类比。

    Specially , we choose a blue-detuned optical lattice and define an effective temperature for this system . We make a comparison between the genera-tion process of magnons and that of photons in optical vibration cavity .

  17. 若损伤层主要由位错组成,按微磁学理论和双磁振子散射模型可得到位错密度、磁致伸缩、磁化强度等与线宽的关系。

    Supposing that the damaged layer is mainly composed of high density dislocations , a relation between the FME linewidth anisotropy and the magnetostriction constants is deduced based on micromagnetism theory and the two-magnon scattering process .

  18. 并且又讨论了各项参数对横向声频支声子激发的影响,发现磁振子-声子耦合与自旋波劲度常数对横向声频支声子软化起很大的作用。

    The influences of different parameters on the transverse acoustic phonon excitation are also illustrated . It 's found that the coupling of the magnon-phonon coupling and the spin wave stiffness are the main factors affecting the transverse acoustic phonon softening .

  19. 套磁介质的小振子天线

    Magnetic coated small dipole antenna

  20. 铁磁超细颗粒的低温磁化及磁振子的微波吸收理论零温下一维绝缘铁磁链的磁振子软化

    Theory of Magnetization of Ferromagnetic Ultrafine Particle Under Low Temperature and Absorption of Microwave by system of Magnon Softening of Magnon of One Dimensional Insulating Ferromagnetic Chain at Absolute Zero Temperature

  21. 铁磁共振双稳态多谐振荡器零温下在Δ线二维绝缘铁磁体的磁振子软化

    The softening of Magnon of Two Dimensional Insulating Ferromagnetism on the Δ Line under Absolute Zero Temperature

  22. 基于此,我们分析了在静磁场诱导的磁偶极偶极相互作用(MDDI)和外部激光场诱导产生的电偶极偶极相互作用(LDDI)下光晶格自旋链系统中磁振子激发的动力学特征。

    Based on this we analyze the dynamical characters of the magnons generated by the static magnetic dipole-dipole interaction ( MDDI ) and the external laser induced dipole-dipole interaction ( LDDI ) in the optical lattice system .

  23. 根据铁磁自旋波理论及自旋波与微波辐射的相互作用量子理论,得到计入量子尺寸效应时铁磁超细颗粒的低温磁化强度及磁振子的微波吸收函数。

    Based on the spin waves theory of ferromagnets and interaction quantum theory between the spin wave and microwave radiation , this paper discusses magnetization of the ferromagnetic ultrafine particle in the low temperature case and absoption of microwave by system of magnon , which contains quantum size effects .