
  • 网络Mortar strength grade;strength classes of mortar
  1. 砌筑砂浆强度等级降低后的砌体结构安全性探讨

    On Masonry Structure Safety of Mortar Strength Downgrading

  2. 加固后墙体受剪承载力增量与面层砂浆强度等级值的算术平方根、面层配筋率呈线性递增关系。

    A linearly increasing relationship is found between the shear capacity increment and the arithmetic square root of the value of strength grade of the mortar used for the layers as well as the reinforcement ratio of the layers .

  3. 在本文中,提出复合砂浆的概念及其强度等级的确定方法;

    In this paper , the concept of a compounded mortar and the calculating method of its strength grade is advanced also at the first time .