
  • 网络xuyi lobster
  1. 真正将盱眙龙虾做成全国性的全天候的龙虾大产业。

    It will make Xuyi lobster a national and all-weather industry .

  2. 2006年盱眙龙虾荣获农业部颁发的“中国名牌农产品”称号。

    Xuyi Lobster was awarded the title of " Chinese famous agricultural product brand " by the Ministry of Agriculture in2006 .

  3. 研究盱眙龙虾肌肉中的营养素成分与营养价值。

    Nutritional composition and nutritional value in the muscle of tail crayfish from Xuyi were investigated .

  4. 采用化学与仪器分析法测定了盱眙龙虾肌肉中的宏量营养素、氨基酸、脂肪酸、维生素以及矿物质的含量。

    The macro nutrients , amino acids , fatty acids , vitamin and mineral content in muscle of it were determined through the common chemical and instrumental analysis methods .

  5. 而盱眙龙虾产业的发展要得益于盱眙龙虾的比较优势,文章主要从气候、水域、饵料及区位优势方面分析了盱眙龙虾的比较优势。

    Based on Ricardian rents theory , this paper analyzed the comparative advantage of Xuyi crawfish from the aspects of climates , water area , feed and district advantage .

  6. 地产盱眙龙虾的虾壳含甲壳素较高,是一种制备壳聚糖不可多得的天然资源,值得开发利用。

    The chitin abstracted from Xuyu 's local lobster shell is rather high , it 's a natural resources to prepare chitosan and is worth to exploit and utilize .

  7. 盱眙发展龙虾业的比较优势

    Comparative Advantage of Xuyi County to Develop Xuyi Crawfish Industry
