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pán chan
  • money for the journey;travelling expenses;twine


pán chán
  • coil;wind round;twist;twine
盘缠 [pán chán]
  • (1) [travelling expenses] [口]∶路费

  • 你问我借盘缠,我一天杀一个猪还赚不得钱把银子。--《儒林外史.范进中举》

  • 去上海,这点盘缠不够

  • (2) [twine]∶盘绕

  • (3) 零用钱

  • 如今我抬举你,去替那老军来守天王堂,你在那里寻几贯盘缠。--《水浒传》

盘缠[pán chán]
盘缠[pán chan]
  1. 他被撞见拼命想要解开几盘缠在一起的胶卷。

    He was found desperately trying to untangle several reels of film .

  2. 他带了很多盘缠。

    He brings a lot of money with him for travel expense .

  3. 关于你的盘缠费用,可向社会保障部要求补助。

    Ask for help with your fares at the social security office .

  4. 我们去拜访姑妈,然后凑够足够的盘缠。

    We 've been visiting our aunt and got money for the train .

  5. 为梦想的美洲旅行积攒盘缠或许比一次冲动购物更难捱,但结果却会非常有意义。

    Saving up for the dream vacation to an African safari may take longer than an impulse shopping spree , but it 'll be much more fulfilling .

  6. 所以马利亚和约瑟带着婴儿逃亡埃及,也许一路上的盘缠和以后隐居生活的开销就用的是三贤人的赠礼吧。

    So Mary and Joseph took their infant to Egypt , perhaps using the gifts of Magi to pay their way and support them while they were in hiding .

  7. 盘缠用尽了,举目无亲,房东又天天催讨房租。

    After using up all his money , he was in face of helplessness and the urge of his landlord for the rent without any relative living in the city every day .

  8. 旅馆大厅的前部,停车场对过是一个小泳池。我仅剩的那点儿盘缠,也就是能让我在这个地方住上一宿。

    In the front of the lobby , across the parking lot , was a small swimming pool.It was a place the last of my money could take me , for a night .

  9. 后来他拿着林冲送的盘缠来到沧州,入赘给一个店家,最后继承了这家小酒店。

    Later on he hold woods wash travelling expenses that give come Cangzhou , marry into and live with one 's bride 's family to a hotel owner , Carried on this pub at last .

  10. 叹生人、熟人、雅人、俗人、尴尬人、盘缠人、累赘人、无生趣人、死不开交人;男人会对女人以衣取人。

    He sighed for strange people , familiar people , elegant people , vulgar people , awkward people , travelling people , tedious people , living people sapped of vitality , and people who take their disputes to the grave ;