
yán quán
  • brine/salt spring
盐泉 [yán quán]
  • [brine spring] 有一定含盐量的咸水泉

  1. 戴安娜来自加拿大海湾群岛(GulfIslands)中具有田园风情的小岛盐泉岛(SaltSpring),凶手则是一个来自安徽省偏僻山村、年仅18岁的农民工。

    The victim was from idyllic Salt Spring , one of Canada 's Gulf Islands , and the killer was an 18-year old migrant worker from a remote village in Anhui province .

  2. 试论渝东古盐泉向人工井的演进

    The Evolution Towards Artificial Well in Yu Dong Ancient Salt Spring

  3. 加拿大人一直以来都将盐泉岛敬为古怪的人和创造力的原始的庇护所。

    Canadians have long revered SaltSpring as a pristine refuge for the eccentric and creative .

  4. 不列颠哥伦比亚,盐泉岛,一棵孤独的杨梅树。

    A lone arbutus tree perches atop a hill on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia .

  5. 20世纪70年代,不想服役于越南战争的美国人到达盐泉岛并定居下来。

    In the1970 's , Americans avoiding service in the Vietnam War arrived and put down roots .

  6. 渝东地区的人工盐井都是由自然盐泉演变而来的,推动自然盐泉向人工井演进的动力是洪水。

    The artificial wells in the place were changed from natural spring . The motive of the evolution was flood .

  7. 区域产业竞争力论&以泉州、温州、苏州三个地级市为例三峡地区,盐泉资源得天独厚,泉盐生产历史悠久。

    Rich spring salt resources in Three-Gorge region are generously endowed by Nature , and have a long history in production .

  8. 三峡地区,盐泉资源得天独厚,泉盐生产历史悠久。

    In the region of Three Gorges , resource of salt spring was very rich and its history of salt production was very long .