
  • 网络Nitraria;nitraria l
  1. 甘肃省白刺属植物的数量分类研究

    A numerical taxonomy of the genus Nitraria from Gansu province , China

  2. 白刺属植物的分类学及系统学研究

    A Preliminary Research on Taxonomy and Systematics of Genus Nitraria

  3. 白刺属植物化学成分的研究现状与发展趋势

    Research status and development tendency of chemical composition of Nitraria

  4. 白刺属植物生长效益的数值分析

    Numerical analysis on the growth benefits of the genus Nitraria

  5. 我国西部白刺属及其近缘属的花粉形态与分类

    Pollen Morphology and Taxonomy of Nitraria and Its Allied Genera in West China

  6. 中亚及我国西北地区是白刺属的现代分布中心。

    The central Asian and the northwestern China are its modern center of distribution .

  7. 内蒙古白刺属四种植物营养成分分析及其评价

    Analysis and Appraisal on Nutritional Components of the Four Plants of Nitraria in Inner Mongolia

  8. 根据其地理分布,绘制了白刺属植物的中国及世界分布图。

    The distribution maps both in China and the world are provided in the present paper according to geographic distribution of the genus .

  9. 从分布、分类、生物生态学特性、森林培育技术几方面综述了白刺属植物的研究结果,展望了白刺属植物的应用前景,指出了研究中存在的局限性和今后应努力的方向。

    This paper summaries results of Genus Nitraria from classified , distribution , bioecology idiosyncrasy , silviculture technique , prospects application foreground and indicates subsistent localization of current research and development aspect for the future .