
  • 网络Psoroptes natalensis;Psoroptes caprae;psoroptes;psoroptes communis ovis
  1. CTA制剂对兔耳痒螨感染的保护性免疫

    Protective immunity treatment of CTA to Psoroptes cuniculi

  2. 具有杀螨活性植物的筛选:采用点滴法离体杀螨试验观察了200味中药工业酒精提取物对家兔痒螨(P.communiscuniculi)成虫的杀灭活性。

    Screening of acaricidal active plants : Acaricidal activity of industrial alcohol extract from 200 plants in 50 % concentration on adult mites of P.communis cuniculi was investigated in vitro .

  3. 溴氰菊酯对育肥牛痒螨的疗效观察

    Effect of Decamethrin Curing Itch Mite of Finishing Cattle

  4. 对自然感染和人工感染的绵羊痒螨寄生移行、侵袭特点和繁殖活动进行了观察;

    The parasitic infection observation on Psoroptes ovis of natural infestation and artificaial infestation was made ;

  5. 通过体外杀虫试验观察了百部等19种植物甲醇粗提物对兔痒螨的杀灭活性。

    Methanol crude extracts from 19 different species of plants were subjected to an in vitro bioassay to kill psoroptic mange acquired from naturally infected rabbits .

  6. 通过光镜及扫描电镜对采自四川西部的水牛痒螨和兔痒螨进行了形态学观察。

    This paper reports the morphology of Psoroptes netalensis and Psoroptes cuniculi collected from the body of buffalo and the era of the domestic rabbit in southwest of Sichuan , China .
