
diàn jù
  • chainsaw;electric saw;sawing machine;electric motor saw
电锯[diàn jù]
  1. 既然可以租电锯,为什么要花大价钱买一个呢?

    Why go to the expense of buying an electric saw when you can hire one ?

  2. 她递给一个观众一把大锤和一把大凿子,又递给另一个观众一把小锤和一把小凿子,再递给第三个观众一把电锯。

    She gave one a sledgehammer and a large chisel , one a hammer and smaller chisel , and the other an electric saw .

  3. 钻孔机和电锯的噪声过了半夜还继续响着。

    The racket of drills and electric saws went on past midnight .

  4. 电锯轻而易举地就把原木锯成薄板了。

    The power saw sliced the logs like a knife through butter .

  5. 影片:《得州电锯杀人狂》(TheTexasChainsawMassacre,1974)

    Movie : " The Texas Chainsaw Massacre " ( 1974 )

  6. 采用脉冲CO2激光能够获得类似于电钻磨削和电锯截骨的切割效果。

    Bone ablation effect by using pulse CO2 laser is similar to cutting effect by using electric drill and electric saw . 5 .

  7. 当你试图在百思买(BestBuy)里以60美元的价格卖一张游戏光盘时,你可能会听到诸如“哇,你听说了吗,这个游戏可以让你闯进机场,用电锯扫倒一片人”之类的话。

    When you are trying to sell a video game for $ 60 dollars at Best Buy , you see more of that . " Wow , did you hear you can go into an airport and mow down a bunch of civilians in this game , " or something .

  8. 该片导演温子仁(JamesWan)说:“我运用了大家熟悉的东西,然后对它做了进一步发挥,接下来超自然力量开始介入,我又开始运用它。”温子仁也是《电锯惊魂》(Saw)系列第一部(2004年)的导演。

    James Wan , the film 's director , who also started the ' Saw ' franchise in 2004 , says : ' I take something familiar , and I take it up a notch , and supernatural forces start to intervene and I play with them . '

  9. 这样你就能用一把电锯把他的心脏给挖出来。

    So you could rip his heart out with a chainsaw .

  10. 象不象从电锯惊魂里出来的?

    Do I look like something out of that movie saw ?

  11. 电锯党是晒骨场里最残忍的帮派。

    The Rippers are the most ruthless gang in the Boneyard .

  12. 莎娜马上想到了电影《电锯惊魂》。

    Shanna was immediately attacked by memories of the movie Saw .

  13. 他让电锯给锯掉了一条胳膊。

    He had his arm lopped off by an electric saw .

  14. 这是50美元的电锯及10美元的电钻。

    This is the fifty-dollar saw , and the ten-dollar drill .

  15. 人工骨折治疗掌指关节电锯劈裂伤

    The MTP joint electric saw damage treated by artificial fracture

  16. 《德州电锯杀人狂》:107卡路里

    The Texas Chain Saw Massacre : 107 calories 10 .

  17. 毫无疑问,用的是电锯。

    Done with a power saw , beyond a doubt .

  18. 我帮不了你。我不是电锯专家。

    I cannot help you . I am 't a jigsaw expert .

  19. 手提式电锯的现状与发展

    The situation and development of the portable electric saw

  20. 幸运的是,布里顿有一把电锯。

    Lucky for Britton , he had a chainsaw .

  21. 但是,在布里顿的电锯伤到狮子之前,狮子就猛扑了上来。

    But undeterred by Britton 's revved up chainsaw , the lion pounced .

  22. 这就是我的切入点&电锯使用者与函数式程序员。

    That 's where I come in & chainsaw cranker and functional programmer .

  23. 这把电锯很好用。

    This power saw delivers the goods quite well .

  24. 目的探讨微型电锯在上颌骨手术中的应用。

    Objective To explore the application of the midget electro-saw in maxillary bone operations .

  25. 这时,有人过来告诉您如何正确使用电锯。

    Then , someone comes by and shows you how to crank the chainsaw .

  26. 我宁可被电锯锯开屁股也不说。

    I 'd rather have a chain saw shoved up my ass than tell .

  27. 如果太多了,我们可以随时用上电锯。

    And if it gets too much , we can always get a chainsaw !

  28. 本文对手提式电锯进行了客观的分析,并阐述了其发展前景。

    The authors analyze the portable electric saw objectively and indicate its development prospect .

  29. 我们专门经营电锯和电钻。

    We specialize in power saws and drills .

  30. 如果你没有电锯,你可以用刀。

    If you don 't have a chainsaw , you can use a knife .