
  • 网络Dianbai;dianbai county
  1. 茂名市区和电白县鼠类广州管圆线虫感染调查

    Investigation of Angiostrongylus cantonensis Infection in Murine from Maoming City and Dianbai County of Guangdong Province , China

  2. 电白县热水温泉风景区旅游资源的特色及其开发设想

    The Characteristics of Tourist Resources in the Hot Spring Scenic Spot and the Idea of Its Development in Dianbai County

  3. 电白县第一中学校园规划与建筑设计

    Campus planning and Architecture Design of No. 1 Middle School of Dianbai

  4. 电白县麻风病流行病学分析

    The Analysis of the Epidemiology of Leprosy in Dianbai

  5. 目的了解电白县树仔镇山美村委一起流行性腮腺炎爆发流行的原因和传播特征,为控制疾病提供依据。

    Objective To understand the cause , prevalent feature of a outbreak of mumps in Dianbai County and provide basis for Making control measures .

  6. 水东港油、煤、杂货码头位于广东省电白县水东镇东南面,港址自然条件优良。

    The wharves for oil , coal and miscellaneous goods in the Shuidong harbour are located at the southeast of Shuidong town in Dianbai county , Guangdong province .