
  • 网络Krabi;Krabi Province
  1. 甲米府旁边是兰塔岛(MuKohLanta)国家公园,在这片纯净的公园里,你可以徒步、攀岩或者骑象旅行。

    Krabi sits next to the Mu Koh Lanta National Park , a prime spot for hiking , rock climbing and elephant trekking .

  2. PortTakola港口正在修建,完工之后将会涌现出一批餐厅、夜店与购物中心。甲米府机场新增一座航站楼,这意味着从此有更多航班往返这片乐土。—

    A marina , Port Takola , is in the works and will be home to restaurants , night life and shopping , and a new terminal that has opened at Krabi Airport means that there are more flights to and from this gem . -

  3. 泰国南部小镇甲米府与普吉岛隔海相望,中间的安德曼海只需乘船45分钟即可跨越。

    The southern Thailand town of Krabi lies just a 45-minute boat ride across the Andaman Sea from Phuket .

  4. 甲米府过去住宿条件欠佳,交通不畅,而现在已经变得更加便利了。

    And Krabi , which used to have few options for accommodations and was hard to get to , is now more tourist-friendly .