
  1. 汉森饰演的琦琦在每一幕中可谓抢足镜头,而霍华德则将这个残酷、工于心计、严重恐同的CEO演绎得淋漓尽致。

    Cookie , Henson 's character , steals each and every scene that she 's in , and Howard gives a strong performance as a cutthroat , calculating and intensely homophobic record executive .

  2. 是啊!嗨,琦琦,你现在有空吗?

    Yes . Hi , Qiqi ! Are you free now ?

  3. 琦琦沃尔夫基尔是微软公司旗下343行业游戏工作室(343Industries/Microsoft)的执行制作人,这家工作室负责开发《光晕》系列游戏。

    Kiki Wolfkill is an executive producer at Microsoft 's 343 Industries game studio , which is responsible for theHalo entertainment franchise .

  4. 朋友要出去旅游,于是把狗放在琦琦阿姨这里一个礼拜,这下木兰来劲啦!

    My friend is travelling in other countries and her puppy , little Gulu asked aunt Tiffie to take care of her for a week . Let 's see what happened to these two naughty puppies .
