
  1. 琦君以真挚的情感对母爱进行了颂扬。

    Qi Jun sings high praise for the maternal love sincerely .

  2. 琦君散文的一种解读

    An Interpretation to Ms. Qi Jun ′ s Proses

  3. 本论文便是以《琦君书信集》为主要研究范围。

    This paper takes " Chi Chun Correspondence Collection " as the main research scope .

  4. 琦君是一位传统型作家,她的散文体现了对文化精神的传承。

    Qi Jun was a conventional writer . Her proses embody the spirit of culture heritage .

  5. 琦君善于将意境与意象作为灵感创作的源泉,使她的散文呈现出温婉淡雅的抒情个性。

    Qi Jun will do well in using artistic conception and images as the inspiration for the source of creation , making her prose present a gentle elegant Lyric individuality .
