
  • 网络Corn residue;corn grits;grits
  1. 详细介绍了以玉米渣为原料制取玉米膳食纤维的方法,并对不同比例的玉米膳食纤维在面包生产中的应用做了研究。

    The preparation of dietary fiber from corn residue was studied , and do the research that the different ratio of the corn dietary fiber in the bread .

  2. 对天津市售大米、小米、黄米、黑米、江米、西米、泰国香米、大薏仁米、大麦仁、红豆、绿豆、大豆和玉米渣等13种市售谷物进行真菌污染调查。

    The investigation of fungus contamination in rice , millet , broomcorn millet , black rice , glutinous rice , sago , Thailand rice , adlay , barley seed , red bean , mung bean , soybean and corn residue in Tianjin supermarket .

  3. 而用提取SOD后的玉米渣进行酒精发酵,其淀粉出酒率达到54.25%。

    Moreover , the ethanol yield of starch reached 54.25 % when ethanol fermentation was processed with maize residue after extracting SOD .

  4. 玉米渣中蛋白质的酶水解

    Enzymatic hydrolysis of protein of corn gluten meal

  5. 玉米渣水解的研究

    Study on the Hydrolyzation of Corn Gluten Meal

  6. 玉米渣多微发酵生产蛋白饲料的研究

    Studies on production of protein feedstuff in corn cinder with the multi - microbes fermentation

  7. 另外,本文对玉米渣皮干燥剂的吸附机理进行了探讨,并通过玉米渣皮干燥剂吸水过程中所表现出的性质和吸附活化能的计算结果对吸附机理进行了验证。

    In addition , mechanism of moisture adsorption of corn hull desiccants . By the phenomena of adsorption and calculative activation energy , the mechanism of moisture adsorption was validated .

  8. 本文以玉米渣生产的降血压肽为主要功能因子,以胶基、山梨糖醇、甘露糖醇、甘油、柠檬酸、香精等为原辅料,探讨了降压保健口香糖的生产工艺。

    Antihypertensive peptides ( APs ) which produced by corn gluten meal ( CGM ) was used as mostly functional factor , mixed with chewing gum base , sorbitol , mannitol , glycerin , citric acid , fragrant , the technology of the decreased-blood health chewing gum was studied .

  9. 汽爆玉米秸秆渣诱导产纤维素酶及其水解特性

    Characteristics of cellulase inducement and hydrolysis by steam exploded corn stover

  10. 玉米淀粉渣中玉米黄色素的提取及性质测定

    Studies on Extraction and Properties of Xanthin in corn Starch Residue

  11. 固态发酵玉米淀粉渣生产蛋白饲料的研究

    The study on using corn starch residue to produce feed protein

  12. 毛细柱气相色谱法分析测定玉米皮渣的糖分组成

    Capillary Gas Chromatographic Determination of Monosaccharides in the Hydrolysate of Corn Bran Residues

  13. 玉米淀粉渣开发利用的研究

    On the Utilization of Corn Starch Residues

  14. 灵芝发酵玉米皮渣获取膳食纤维工艺研究

    The study on tech from fermentation of Ganoderma lucidum and corn skin for dietary fiber

  15. 复合酶法提取玉米皮渣中可溶性膳食纤维的研究

    Compound method of enzyme withdraws the corn skin dregs in the fibrous research of water-soluble meal

  16. 玉米淀粉渣取代肥育猪日粮中大豆饼粕的饲养试验

    The feeding effect of substitution of corn gluten feed for soybean meal in the diet for finishing pig

  17. 主要结果如下:1、鲜食玉米皮渣率、品评总分各项指标、营养成分含量均存在显著的基因型差异。

    The main results were as follows : 1 . Residue ratio , tasting quality indexes and nutrient contents were significantly different among cultivars .

  18. 以糯玉米皮渣为原料,通过化学试剂结合酶法及无水乙醇来除去其中的淀粉、蛋白质、脂肪和蜡质,从而得到较纯净的膳食纤维;

    Moving the starch , protein , fat and wax contained in glutinous-corn skin dregs with chemical reagents combined with enzymes and anhydrous alcohol , purer dietary fiber was produced .

  19. 以玉米淀粉渣发酵而成的“玉米酵麸”替代麦麸、玉米等进行肉猪饲喂试验。

    The article is based on the test for feeding swine with " corn fermented bran " instead of wheat bram and corn , and the fermented material is corm starch residue .

  20. 玉米淀粉糖渣是玉米制糖工业副产物,营养成分丰富,但在我国这一资源一直未得到合理有效地利用。

    The corn starch cake , the residual by-products from glucose manufacturing from corn , is rich in nutrients . However , they have not been utilized rationally and effectively .

  21. 玉米生产施用锰渣混配肥的肥效试验

    A Test to Corn Production with Fertilizer of Mn - dregs

  22. 非离子型表面活性剂辅助酶水解玉米秸杆蒸爆渣

    Enzymatic hydrolysis of steam-pretreated corn stover assisted with non-ionic surfactant

  23. 玉米提胚制渣(粉)技术研究(一)

    A Study on Technique for Corn Degerminating and Milling ( 1 )

  24. 利用麦秸与玉米秸、菇渣、草坪草等农产废弃物与土壤有机肥混合配制有机土壤进行了日光温室甜椒栽培越冬生产。

    The experiment was conducted using soil culture with corn stalk or wheat straw , mushroom residue and lawn grass with manure as substrates to select the better culture ingredient .

  25. 以2709地衣形芽孢杆菌碱性蛋白酶对玉米面筋粉(玉米渣)进行水解,制取玉米肽饮料。

    A kind of drink of corn peptide was preduced from corn gluten meal ( CGM ), hydrolyzed with an alkaline protease from B.

  26. 玉米黄色素的提取&玉米渣皮的综合利用之一

    Extraction of Yellow Pigment & One of the Comprehensive Utilization of Leftover Bits and Pieces of Maize