
  • 网络Pork tapeworm;taenia solium;T.SOLIUM
  1. 猪肉绦虫病实际上比旋毛虫病更加严重。

    Pork tapeworm is actually worse than trichinosis .

  2. 实际上,猪肉绦虫是全球癫痫发作的主要原因之一。

    In fact , pork tapeworm is one of the top causes of seizures worldwide .

  3. 尼龙网袋捞蚴法检测水体血吸虫尾蚴的研究猪肉绦虫的囊尾蚴(辛丸灬)力致死试验

    Study on detection of Schistosome japonica cercariae in field of water area by nylon mesh bag netting cercariae assay

  4. 猪的饲养方式与过去相比大不相同,但仍存在较大的风险,因为你可能感染两种令人讨厌的寄生虫:旋毛虫或猪肉绦虫。

    Pigs are raised a lot differently than they used to be , but there 's still a risk that you 'll contract one of two nasty parasites from eating pork : trichinosis or pork tapeworm .

  5. 未煮熟的猪肉也许含有猪绦虫活的囊尾幼虫。

    Undercooked pork may contain living " bladder worms " of the pig tapeworm .