
  • 网络Dirac Fermion
  1. 研究表明,当狄拉克费米子之间的相互作用足够强时,狄拉克费米子会通过真空凝聚而获得有限的质量,并同时破坏体系原来的手征对称性。

    Research shows that when the interaction between Dirac fermions is strong enough , the Dirac fermions will acquire finite dynamic mass by vacuum condensations and break the original chiral symmetry contemporarily .

  2. 其中高温超导的低能有效理论是(2+1)维量子电动力学,而石墨烯体系中狄拉克费米子之间存在库仑相互作用。

    The theory describing the low-energy physics of of HTSC is ( 2 + 1 ) - dimension QED ( QED3 ), while that is Coulomb inter-action for the Dirac fermions in graphene .

  3. 狄拉克费米子是很多有趣的凝聚态物理体系的低能激发,包括铜氧化物高温超导体,某些典型的重费米子超导体,石墨烯,拓扑绝缘体等等。

    Dirac fermions are the low energy excitations of a number of or a variety of inter-esting systems in condensed matter physics , such as high temperature cuprate super-conductors , some typical heavy fermion superconductors , graphene , and topological insulators .

  4. 含外规范场和动力学费米子自能的狄拉克算符及费米子凝聚讹科费米原子能电站

    Fermion condensate and Dirac operator determinant with external gauge fields and dynamical fermion self energy enrico fermi atomic power plant