
lí tóu
  • plowshare;plow;plough;a variety of small pear
犁头 [lí tóu]
  • (1) [plough share;plough pan]∶犁的翻土的部分

  • (2) [plough;plow]〈方〉∶犁

  1. 犁头服从人使唤,上帝报答祈祷者。

    As the plow follows words , so God rewards prayers .

  2. 让你的大车和犁头碾着私人的白骨前进吧。

    Drive your cart and your plow over the bones of the dead .

  3. 利用扫描电镜对犁头尖属(TyphoniumSchott)及其近缘属共18种植物的花粉进行研究,其中,8种为首次报道,11种为我国特有。

    The pollens of 18 plants of Typhonium Schott and its genetically close genera , 8 first reported plants and eleven endemic plants in China were studied with a scanning electron microscope .

  4. 他望着海面,看到两条犁头鲨游近来了。

    Watching , he saw two shovel nosed sharks closing in .

  5. 加压介质对蓝色犁头霉孢子存活率及甾体转化的影响

    Influences of Different Compressed Gases on Viable of Spore of Absidia coerulea

  6. 在一些国家犁头仍由牛拖拉。

    Plows are still pulled by oxen in some countries .

  7. 把到打成犁头,把枪打成镰刀,世上才有和平。

    Peace will not come until the swords are beaten into plowshares , and their spears into pruning hooks .

  8. 我们为什么要对主的犁头惊诧呢?祂深深耕耘着我们的灵魂?

    Why should I start at the plough of my Lord , that maketh the deep furrows on my soul ?

  9. 他把那根木头拖出来放下。在一些国家犁头仍由牛拖拉。

    He draged out the log and laid it down . Plows are still pulled by oxen in some countries .

  10. 随后,阳光下出现了一个个黑色的身影&那是农夫和套着木犁头的水牛。生活英语知多少?

    Then solitary figures appear , black against the rising sun & peasants with their water buffaloes hitched to wooden plows .

  11. 在最优培养条件下,唐昌蒲伯克霍尔德氏菌、犁头霉菌的生物表面活性剂产量分别提高了17倍、13倍。

    Under the optimized fermentation conditions , bio-surfactant productions of the two strains have increased 17 and 13 times , respectively .

  12. 人们在早晨乘船渡过那边去,肩上扛着犁头,去耕耘他们的远处的田;

    Where men cross over in their boats in the morning with ploughs on their shoulders to till their far-away fields ;

  13. 10要将犁头打成刀剑,将镰刀打成戈矛;软弱的要说,我有勇力。

    Beat your plowshares into swords , And your pruning knives into spears ; Let the weak say , I am mighty .

  14. 忧愁是神的犁头,掘到土的深处,地就能多结果子。

    Sorrow is God 's plowshare that turns up and subsoils the depths of the soul , that it may yield richer harvests .

  15. 本研究主要目的是在进行犁头式甘蓝收获机的整体设计。

    The main objective of this study is to design a cabbage harvester which can be attached to a tractor for local uses .

  16. 古商城位于怀化市洪江区沅水之滨的犁头嘴,这里自古就是深入我国大西南腹内重要的生资集散与物流转运的咽喉之地。

    The ancient city is located in Hongjiang District of Huaihua City , where is the throat transit for entering Southwest of China since ancient times .

  17. 起先,农民以为犁头一定是翻到了坚硬的树根,但他扒开土时,才看到那是一块闪光的金子。

    At first he thought it must be a very hard tree root . But when he uncovered it , he saw that it was beautiful shining gold .

  18. 基督教〈福音书〉引用〈以赛亚书〉比其他先知书多,它的“将刀打成犁头”至今仍为人们所传诵。

    The Christian Gospels lean more heavily on the Book of Isaiah than on any other prophetic text , and its " swords-into-plowshares " passage has universal appeal .

  19. 该项收入则包括丹麦金、犁头税、免服兵役税、摊派税、动产税等。此外,作者还考察了中世纪英国的财税管理体制。

    The general revenue include Danegeld , carucage , scutage , tallage , movables tax etc. In addition , the author also inspected financial and tax administrative system in the medieval Britain .

  20. 他们要将刀剑打成犁头,把枪矛打成镰刀。那些总统候选人唇枪舌剑,以获取选民的支持。

    They shall beat their swords into plowshares , and their spears into pruning hooks The presidential contenders engaged in a battle of words to win the hearts and minds of the voters .

  21. 在地中央,农夫犁出几块石头,这些石头大得几乎把他的犁弄断。他们要将刀打成犁头,把枪打成镰刀。

    Halfway across the field , the farmer ploughed up some very large stones which nearly broke his machine . They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks .

  22. 恶是犁头,善是泥,善人常被恶人欺,铁打犁头年年坏,未见田中换烂泥。

    The evil is the plow , good are the clay , and good is often the wicked deceit made the plow , year after year , did not see the bad change tanaka mud .

  23. 在屋里的门廊里回荡着许多旧时的对话,提到一些我记忆犹新的往事,如购买新的犁头——如今已锈蚀在场院中,还有那曾被毁坏的作物,而我们现正在同一个藤架上获得收成。

    There are ghosts of dozens of conversations in the hallways , stories I remember about buying new plows that now rust in the barnyard and ruined crops from the same vines that we are now harvesting .