- 名plowshare;plow;plough;a variety of small pear

(1) [plough share;plough pan]∶犁的翻土的部分
(2) [plough;plow]〈方〉∶犁
As the plow follows words , so God rewards prayers .
Drive your cart and your plow over the bones of the dead .
The pollens of 18 plants of Typhonium Schott and its genetically close genera , 8 first reported plants and eleven endemic plants in China were studied with a scanning electron microscope .
Watching , he saw two shovel nosed sharks closing in .
Influences of Different Compressed Gases on Viable of Spore of Absidia coerulea
Plows are still pulled by oxen in some countries .
Peace will not come until the swords are beaten into plowshares , and their spears into pruning hooks .
Why should I start at the plough of my Lord , that maketh the deep furrows on my soul ?
He draged out the log and laid it down . Plows are still pulled by oxen in some countries .
Then solitary figures appear , black against the rising sun & peasants with their water buffaloes hitched to wooden plows .
Under the optimized fermentation conditions , bio-surfactant productions of the two strains have increased 17 and 13 times , respectively .
Where men cross over in their boats in the morning with ploughs on their shoulders to till their far-away fields ;
Beat your plowshares into swords , And your pruning knives into spears ; Let the weak say , I am mighty .
Sorrow is God 's plowshare that turns up and subsoils the depths of the soul , that it may yield richer harvests .
The main objective of this study is to design a cabbage harvester which can be attached to a tractor for local uses .
The ancient city is located in Hongjiang District of Huaihua City , where is the throat transit for entering Southwest of China since ancient times .
At first he thought it must be a very hard tree root . But when he uncovered it , he saw that it was beautiful shining gold .
The Christian Gospels lean more heavily on the Book of Isaiah than on any other prophetic text , and its " swords-into-plowshares " passage has universal appeal .
The general revenue include Danegeld , carucage , scutage , tallage , movables tax etc. In addition , the author also inspected financial and tax administrative system in the medieval Britain .
They shall beat their swords into plowshares , and their spears into pruning hooks The presidential contenders engaged in a battle of words to win the hearts and minds of the voters .
Halfway across the field , the farmer ploughed up some very large stones which nearly broke his machine . They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks .
The evil is the plow , good are the clay , and good is often the wicked deceit made the plow , year after year , did not see the bad change tanaka mud .
There are ghosts of dozens of conversations in the hallways , stories I remember about buying new plows that now rust in the barnyard and ruined crops from the same vines that we are now harvesting .