
Ann : I 'm working as an export sales staff member for a foreign trading company .
Enterprise group development , you can use the sources of the formation of networks by the joint venture , joint , material sales networks , financial networks , formation of scale .
A market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged .
The fund was an account at each national bank specially created to contain the proceeds from the local sale of ERP-supplied goods .
As a whole , the newly rural special economic cooperative organization grows by inches , such as the limited provision of technology , information , capital , material and products distribution , etc.
The system is consisted of seven modules : basic data , contract management , material management , coal sales management , billing management , quality management , and transportation management .
According to the analysis of company competitiveness , AHP is used in the importance ranking of the main business process . And then , the purchasing process , technology safety management process and marketing management process are chosen to reengineer .