
  1. 大熊猫粪便DNA纯化及其PCR检测

    Giant Panda Fecal DNA Purification Techniques in PCR Reaction

  2. 你可能会觉得世界上最贵的茶叶可能含有某些药物成分,但是用熊猫粪便来做肥料感觉有点怪怪的。

    One may imagine that the world 's most expensive tea might have some curative properties , but using panda feces as a fertilizer definitely seems a little bizarre .

  3. 如何从龙舌兰中提取钻石,怎样以熊猫粪便为肥料,为何有时握着咖啡杯的手突然不受控制,马尾辫怎会嗦嗦作响以及对死去鲑鱼的脑活动研究,这都是些平淡无奇的研究。

    Talk about typing a word into the Google machine for perfectly innocent reasons and getting completely perturbing results for your efforts . Diamonds concocted from tequila , panda poop used as compost , uncontrollable coffee mugs , strangely swishy ponytails and the brain activity of dead salmon were some of the tame ones .

  4. 无菌采集健康大熊猫的新鲜粪便,分别接种于新鲜肉汤和厌氧肉肝汤内,37℃培养24~48h。

    Fresh feces of Giant Panda , collected without contamination , was inoculated into the common broths and the anaerobic meat liver soups respectively and then cultured for 24 ~ 48h in 37 ℃ .

  5. 他从中国南方的一个大熊猫繁殖中心收集大熊猫的粪便。

    He collects the excrement from a panda breeding center in southern China .

  6. 如果你总想着去照顾熊猫宝宝,与大熊猫一起吃早餐,闻熊猫粪便来判断它是否健康,那么这个比赛是为你准备的。

    IF you always want to take care of baby pandas , have breakfast with pandas and smell panda feces to tell whether the animal is healthy , then this competition is for you .