
  • 网络Enyne;enynes
  1. 概述了离子液体在过渡金属催化炔及烯炔类化合物环合反应中应用研究进展。

    The recent development about applications of ionic liquids ( ILs ) to transition metal-catalyzed cyclization of alkyne and enyne compounds was introduced .

  2. 由于双键和叁键的多样反应性,共轭烯炔在有机合成中占有重要的地位。

    Due to the reactivity diversity of double and triple bonds , conjugated enyne is very useful in organic synthesis of compounds and plays an important role in organic synthesis .

  3. 论文研究内容主要分为三部分:1.开发了金属Ni催化的非活化1,6-烯炔类化合物的还原环化反应。

    It mainly consists of the following three parts : 1 . The nickel-catalyzed reductive cyclization of unactivated 1,6-enynes has been developed .

  4. 丙炔酸酯在微波促进条件下以二水合氯化铜为催化剂或在室温条件下以有机碱N-甲基吗啉为催化剂都可以高产率、高选择性的生成E型共轭烯炔。

    Propiolic acid ester under Microwave Promotion condition with two hydrated cupric chloride as catalyst or at room temperature with organic base N-methyl morpholine as catalyst to generate E-conjugated enynes in high yields .

  5. 研究结果发现:在成本较低的第一代Grubbs催化剂作用下,该类烯炔化合物能够顺利发生关环复分解反应。反应条件温和且无需通入乙烯气体。

    The studies on the RCM reaction of this kind of enynes revealed that under the catalysis of the first generation Grubbs catalyst , this kind of enynes could occur RCM reaction successfully under very mild conditions and in the absence of ethylene gas .

  6. 用卵移植法研究18-甲基三烯炔诺酮对着床的影响

    Studies on the effect of ethyl NORGESTRIENONE on implantation by egg transplantation

  7. 去氧孕烯炔雌醇和米非司酮治疗功能失调性子宫出血的疗效观察

    Clinical effects of marvelon and mifepristone for treating dysfunctional uterine bleeding in perimenopausal period patients

  8. 综述了不同催化体系催化末端炔烃二聚反应合成共轭烯炔化合物的研究进展。

    Progress in a variety of catalytic systems-catalyzed dimerizations of terminal alkynes to synthesize enynes is summarized .

  9. 复方孕二烯酮与去氧孕烯炔雌醇治疗围绝经期功能失调性子宫出血的临床疗效比较

    Comparing of Clinical Curative Effect between Gestodene-Compound and Gestodene-Ethinylestradiol Used to Treat Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding in Peri-menopausal Period

  10. 烯炔链物电子光谱的同系线性规律&反向端基效应

    The rule of homologous linearity for the electronic spectra of conjugated polyenic and acetylenic compounds & the effect of opposite terminal groups

  11. 因此,深入研究含有供电子基团的共轭烯炔化合物各种性质,扩展其在各领域上的应用都是非常必要和有意义的。

    So it is very necessary to study the characters and extend applications of this kind of conjugated enynes with electron-donating substitutes .

  12. 第四部分:钯铜催化的分子内的串联环化氧化反应1.铜催化的氧气作为氧化剂发生分子内的烯炔环化反应,合成一系列喹啉衍生物。

    A copper-catalyzed intramolecular enyne cyclization reaction was occurred using oxygen as oxidant to synthesize a series of quinoline derivatives . 2 .

  13. 本论文是关于共轭烯炔酮与硝酮化合物反应生成多取代的呋喃化合物的研究,主要从三个方面进行了研究。

    In this thesis , we have focused on the synthesis of highly substituted furan by the cycloaddition reaction of conjugated enynones with nitrones .

  14. 毛细管柱,以邻苯二甲酸二丁酯为内标物,以氢火焰离子化检测器对杀虫剂氯烯炔菊酯原药进行定性定量分析。

    A gas chromatographic method for quantitative and qualitative analysis of chlorempenthrin using a HP-5 capillary column and dibutyl phthalate as internal standard was described .

  15. 利用各种烯炔异构体,通过合适的控制实验对反应机理进行了研究.提出了涉及π-烯丙基铑中间体的可能机理,并且利用该机理对一些反应现象进行了解释。

    The mechanism of the reaction was studied by the employment of control experiments with different enyne isomers and a π - allyl rhodium intermediate was suggested to explain the formation of the cyclic products with an intramolecular halogen shift .

  16. 烯炔化合物不仅是有机合成中重要的原料和中间体,也是一些抗癌药物以及抗生素等物质的重要砌块,含有共轭烯炔结构的天然产物是目前所知抗癌抗菌活性最强的化合物之一。

    Enyne compounds are not only important in organic synthesis of raw materials and intermediates , but also are important building blocks for anti-cancer drugs , antibiotics and natural products . Enyne-containing natural compounds are one of the strongest antibacterial active compounds of known anti-cancer compounds .

  17. Cu(Ⅰ)催化及相转移条件下末端烯(炔)丙基化偶联反应研究

    Study on allylic or propargylic coupling reaction of terminal alkyne under copper (ⅰ) catalysis and phase transfer condition

  18. 综述了近几年来关环复分解(RCM)反应的研究新进展,包括了烯烃、烯-炔的RCM反应。

    Recent advances in ring closing metathesis ( RCM ) reaction , including olefin and enyne metathesis reaction are reviewed .

  19. 新烯二炔类大分子抗肿瘤抗生素C1027的分子构成与活性关系

    Relationship between the molecular composition of c1027 , a NEW

  20. 发色团部分是力达霉素的活性部分,当发色团烯二炔重排后其活性丢失。

    The activity lost after the chromophore was rearranged .

  21. 三苯基锡(IV)烯基或炔基膦酸衍生物的合成与表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of Triphenyltin ( IV ) Derivatives of Alkenyl or Alkynyl Phosphonic Acid

  22. 多取代芳香族化合物的合成4.取代的环丁-3-烯砜与丁炔二酸二甲酯的Diels-Alder反应

    Synthesis of Polysubstituted Aromatic Compounds 4 . The Diels Alder Reaction of Substituted 3 Sulfolenes with Dimethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate

  23. 目前被广泛研究的是羰基化合物的烯丙基化和炔丙基化。

    Allylation and propargylation of carbonyl compounds have been extensively studied .

  24. SnCl4作用下烯丙基锡与醛反应和GaCl3催化1,6-烯炔成环反应的理论研究

    Theoretical Studies for Reaction of Allylic Tin with Formaldehyde Promoted by SnCl_4 and Cyclization of 1 , 6-Enyne Catalyzed by GaCl_3

  25. 主要成分为α-蒎烯,β-蒎烯,β-顺式罗勒烯,茵陈炔及橙花叔醇。

    Among them , the main compounds are α - pinene , β - pinene , sabinene , capillene and nerolidol .