
  • 网络Uniconazole
  1. 烯效唑是一种高效植物生长延缓剂,近年来广泛应用于植物生产中的各个领域。

    Uniconazole is a high efficient plant growth retardant , which was applied extensively in many aspects of plant production in recent years .

  2. 烯效唑则使根系的生长总体上趋于平缓,即适当减弱前期生长,加强中后期根系生长。

    Uniconazole made root grow more evenly in the whole growth period , namely moderately weakened root growth at early stage and strengthened at late stage .

  3. 同时在小麦萌发早期烯效唑处理促进~3H-胸苷掺入可能反映了烯效唑有助于萌发中DNA修复和DNA复制,为种子萌发奠定较好的基础。

    At the same time , the incorporating 3H-TdR reflected DNA repairing and coping in the early period of wheat seeds germination .

  4. IAA与亚种间杂交稻籽粒发育的关系及烯效唑的调节

    The Relationship Between IAA and Grain Development of Indica-Japonica Hybrid Rice and Regulation with S-07

  5. 烯效唑对小麦生育后期冠层叶叶面积、旗叶的净光合速率(Pn)有显著提高作用,从而增强了小麦的发育优势;

    S-3307 Treatments significantly increase the canopy leaf area and flag leaf net photosynthetic rate , so enhanced wheat growth .

  6. 烯效唑处理后根系活力提高,浓度间以40mg/kg处理效果最好。

    S-3307 increased root activity .

  7. 烯效唑是一种高效低毒的植物生长延缓剂,其作用机理是阻碍GA的生物合成,从而延缓植物生长。

    S-3307 is a kind of plant growth retardant high-efficient and low toxicity . Its function is biosynthesis of hindering GA to delay plant growth .

  8. 烯效唑处理后,对小麦幼苗期(三叶前)间的根系活力的影响为低浓度促进,高浓度抑制,最佳浓度为20mg/kg。

    Lower S-3307 treatments enhanced on root active of wheat seedling , higher S-3307 treatments inhibited , and the concentration 20mg / kg was best .

  9. 烯效唑(S-3307)对冬小麦生长发育的影响

    Effect of S-3307 on growth of Winter Wheat

  10. 烯效唑处理后,分蘖节IAA的含量减少,ZT含量提高,因而有利于分蘖的发生;

    S-3307 Treatments decreased IAA content in tillering node , while it largly improve ZT content , which were benifited for tiller appearance .

  11. 植物生长调节剂烯效唑(S3307)和赤霉素(GA3)组合使用对温州蜜柑果实的生长具有保果壮果的增效作用。

    The synergistical effect on protecting and swelling fruit of citrusfruity growth is obtained by combined utilization of S3307 and GA3 .

  12. 因此在柑桔生产上应用赤霉素(GA)+烯效唑(S3307)组合是一种有效的增产增质措施。

    Therefore the author proposed that combine use with GA and S 3307 application to the production of citrus will be an effective way for higher yield and quality .

  13. 4烯效唑处理提高了玉米苗期的抗旱性,在干旱条件下植株根冠比增加,叶片SOD活性提高,质膜相对透性和MDA含量相对减少,同时减缓了光合速率和叶绿素含量的下降过程。

    S-3307 treatments increased root-top ratio and the superoxide dismutase activity , prevented electrolyte leakage and the enhancing of MDA content , reduced the injuries caused by the soil drought in chlorophyll , and inhibited the reducing of photosynthetic rate during water stress .

  14. 在弱光生态环境条件下,研究了烯效唑(S-3307)干拌种对不同密度冬小麦蛋白质组分及加工品质的影响,分析了蛋白质各组分含量与加工品质的关系。

    Effects of S-3307 ( Uniconazole ) application on amount to content of protein components and processing quality of wheat grain were studied in more rain and low light stress environment .

  15. 结果表明,赤霉素(GA)+烯效唑(S3307)组合使用既能提高果实着果率、产量,显著提高单果重,改善果实外观内质;

    The result showed that combine use with GA and S 3307 increased the fruit setting percentage and the yield , increased markedly weight of each fruit , improved the quality of outward appearance and inner of the fruit .

  16. 采用盆栽试验,观察测定了烯效唑(S3307)对湖南稷子抗盐性及整株水平Na+、K+选择性和游离脯氨酸分配的影响。

    A pot experiment was conducted to study effects of plant growth regulator & uniconazole ( S3307 ) on salt resistance , selectivity for K ~ + over Na ~ + and distribution of free proline at whole plant level in E.

  17. 烯效唑化控技术对水稻的增产效果

    The Effect of S-07 Chemical Control Technique on Rice Yeild

  18. 烯效唑对杂交水稻籽粒灌浆及产量的影响研究

    Effects of S-3307 on Rice Grain Filling and Yield

  19. 烯效唑处理提高了分蘖节、叶片、茎杆和穗中的全氮含量和分蘖节中的糖含量。

    S-3307 Treatments significantly enhanced the nitrogen metabolism and carbohydrate in tiller node .

  20. 烯效唑对小麦抗冷性影响的研究

    Effects of S_ ( 3307 ) Applied to Seeds on Cold Resistance in Wheat

  21. 烯效唑对氮代谢的促进作用大于对糖代谢。

    And the effects of S-3307 on nitrogen metabolism was higher than carbohydrate metabolism .

  22. 烯效唑对小麦叶片衰老的调控研究

    Studies on the Effects of S-3307 Applied to Seed on Leaf Senescence of Wheat

  23. 烯效唑对玉米的壮苗机理研究

    Studies on the Mechanism of Soaked Seeds With S-3307 on High Quality Plant of Maize

  24. 烯效唑包衣处理对种子发芽无不良影响;

    Uniconzole in coating film on the seeds was no harmful influence to seed germination .

  25. 烯效唑浸种对杂交稻秧苗素质及籽粒产量的影响

    Effect of seed soaked in S-07 on the seedling quality and grain Yield of Hybrid Rice

  26. 光、温及土壤水分条件会影响烯效唑的生物效应。

    Light , temperature and soil moisture could affect the biological efficacy of S-07 on rice seedling .

  27. 调制剂和烯效唑对水稻秧苗体内防御酶系及抗病性的影响

    Effects of Seedling-Stimulating Agent and S_ ( 3307 ) on Defensive Enzyme System and Disease Resistance of Rice Seedlings

  28. 烯效唑促进寒富苹果果实着色的最佳喷施浓度和机理研究

    Slection of the Best Concentration of S_ ( 3307 ) for the Coloring of " Hanfu " Apple Fruit and Its Mechanism

  29. 用调制剂和烯效唑处理育苗床土,在生长箱内对三叶期的水稻秧苗高强度接种病原菌。

    In nursery soil treated with S3307 , and seedling-stimulating agent , three-leaf rice seedlings were inoculated with pathogenic bacteria under higher intensity .

  30. 烯效唑处理后,籽粒内可溶性糖含量在前期(强势粒)或前中期(弱势粒)提高,为籽粒内淀粉的合成奠定了物质基础;

    S-3307 treatment increased soluble sugar content of superior grain at early filling stage and that of inferior grain in early and middle filling period .