
rè qì qiú
  • fire (or hot-air) balloon;balloon
  1. 像天使一样飞翔热气球的前世今生

    Flying as the Angel & Preexistence and This Life of Fire Balloon

  2. 最终找到问题的根源使我的热气球第一个成功的升上了蓝天。

    Eventually , I found out the problems and made my fire balloon fly first and successfully .

  3. 昨晚世界第一届跨大西洋热气球比赛在一片混乱中收场。

    The world 's first transatlantic balloon race ended in chaos last night

  4. 他们试图完成乘热气球不间断环球飞行的创举。

    They are to attempt to be the first to circle the Earth non-stop by balloon .

  5. 诺特和迪金森乘坐热气球上升了55,900英尺,创造了一项新的高度纪录。

    Nott and Dickinson set a new altitude record when they ascended 55,900 feet in their balloon .

  6. 热气球是在飞机发明之前发明的。

    The balloon was invented before the plane .

  7. 它以奇特的岩石形状和日出时的热气球之旅闻名。

    It is best-known for its strange rock shapes and hot air balloon trips during sunrise .

  8. 乘热气球旅行。20多年前,戈勒姆的人们开始在这个小镇的天空中放飞第一个热气球。

    Taking a hot air balloon trip Over 20 years ago , people in Goreme began to fly the first hot air balloon in the sky of this little town .

  9. 这是一个热气球。

    This is a hot air balloon .

  10. 热气球公司的保险人员查看了飞行过程中的GPS数据也支持了操作员的说法,认为猪受惊事件不是由此导致的。

    Insurers for the company used GPS data generated during the flight to back their claim that it could not have caused the stampede .

  11. 2002年,斯蒂夫·福赛特成为搭乘热气球环游世界的第一人。后来,他把这个热气球吊舱捐赠给了美国航空航天博物馆(NationalAir&SpaceMuseum),一直展出至今。

    After Steve Fossett became the first person to circumnavigate the world by balloon , in 2002 , he donated his capsule to the National Air & Space Museum , where it has been on display since .

  12. 在他的画里,修女驾着赛车和热气球,主教在玩帆板冲浪,蒙娜丽莎(MonaLisa)要么赤身裸体,要么吞云吐雾。

    He painted nuns driving racing cars and flying balloons , the pope windsurfing , Mona Lisa naked or smoking .

  13. 现在,我们有了菲利克斯·鲍加特纳(FelixBaumgartner)这样的勇敢者,能在128100英尺的高空,从热气球的小舱里跳下去。

    We now have guys like Felix Baumgartner sky-diving from a balloon-borne capsule at 128100 feet .

  14. 此外,谷歌公司正在开展一个名为“ProjectLoon”的项目,希望高空热气球为偏远地区提供网络。

    Also , Google is working on a project titled , " Project Loon , " this is aimed at providing high-altitude broadband balloons to remote parts of the world .

  15. 格罗伊利希先生是在新泽西州兰道夫(Randolph)的莫里斯社区学院(CountyCollegeofMorris)与马库斯女士相识的。2013年8月,在佛蒙特州旅行时,他在热气球上向她求婚。

    Mr. Greulich , who met Ms. Marcus at the County College of Morris in Randolph , N.J. , proposed on a hot-air balloon ride during a trip to Vermont in August 2013 .

  16. 1997年,她与单身汉梅尔策相识于仰光(Yangon),于是她从联合国开发计划署(UNDevelopmentProgramme)辞职,与梅尔策一起开创飞越著名的薄甘(Bagan)千座佛塔的热气球旅游项目。

    In 1997 she met Melzer , then a footloose Australian , in Yangon , and left the UN Development Programme to help him pioneer balloon rides over the famous Bagan temple complex .

  17. BBC新闻–俄罗斯热气球飞行家,65岁的费奥多.考纽科夫创造了不着陆环球飞行新纪录,他的后勤人员说。

    BBC News - Fyodor Konyukhov , 65 , A Russian balloonist has set a new record for flying non-stop around the world , his support crew have said .

  18. 今天被选中的粉丝很幸运因为她从热气球出来时,Jerry紧紧地抱着她,然后他们一起和吉祥物拍了一张照片。

    Today the fan chosen was very lucky because she was invited out of the hot air balloon and was hugged tightly by Jerry and they took a picture together with all the mascots .

  19. 法国Chambley举办的热气球节中的巨大蛋糕装热气球。

    A giant cake during the hot-air balloon festival in Chambley , France .

  20. 随着“飞越薄甘”旅游项目(BalloonsoverBagan)渐入佳境,他俩开始拓展业务————于是推出了穿越缅甸北部丛林地带的豪华游项目————MalikhaLodge,因为抵达该地区只能乘坐热气球。

    As " Balloons over Bagan " grew , they branched out , opening Malikha Lodge , a luxury retreat in the jungle of northern Myanmar that was accessible only by air .

  21. 霍维斯先生纪念亡妻的方式,是有一名42岁的热气球乘客AndyCollett上周从格洛斯特郡飞越丛林时发现。

    Winston 's memorial was shown in all its glory after keen hot air balloonist Andy Collett , 42 , from Wotton-Under-Edge , Gloucestershire , soared over the wood last week .

  22. 日本海上保安厅元旦在有争议的尖阁诸岛(SenkakuIslands,中国称这些岛屿为钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿)附近海域救起了一名落水的中国热气球驾驶者。此人曾试图降落到其中的一个岛屿,但没有成功。

    Japan 's coast guard plucked a stranded Chinese balloonist out of the sea near the disputed Senkaku Islands on New Year 's day after the man tried and failed to land on one of the islands .

  23. 我也在五年前坐飞机从空中看过一次。霍维斯先生纪念亡妻的方式,是有一名42岁的热气球乘客AndyCollett上周从格洛斯特郡飞越丛林时发现。

    I also flew over it myself about five years ago . Winston 's memorial was shown in all its glory after keen hot air balloonist Andy Collett , 42 , from Wotton-Under-Edge , Gloucestershire , soared over the wood last week .

  24. 在这个名符其实的“雷龙之国”(DrukYul,“LandoftheThunderDragon),热气球上饰着巨型金龙,而高压气缸因点火而发出的阵阵轰响酷似巨龙之雷霆之怒。

    As befits a country known as Druk Yul , or " Land of the Thunder Dragon , " the balloon is emblazoned with huge golden dragons , and the occasional blasts of flame from its gas cylinders resemble nothing so much as a dragon 's fiery breath .

  25. 如果它遇到真正的挑战,它的研发预算,连同它的无人驾驶汽车、可穿戴计算机,以及从平流层发射无线数据的“Loon”热气球等科技创新都会化为泡影。

    If it encountered real competition , its research and development budget would vanish - and with it the self-driving car , wearable computers , " loon balloons " beaming cellular data from the stratosphere and so on .

  26. 最后,来自英国的专业飞行员加里•克劳利(CaryCrawley)把热气球停靠于河流与耕地间的一块草地上,载人的柳条筐顺着结霜的草地冲撞了三下,才最终侧停住。

    Finally Cary Crawley , a professional balloon pilot from England , lands us on a meadow sandwiched between the river and a tilled field , the wicker basket bumping three times along the frosty grass before it comes to rest on its side .

  27. 探测木星核能热气球的负荷能力

    Exploring the Load Capacity of Heat Balloons for Jupiter Nuclear Energy

  28. 在场飞行员们共放飞329只热气球。

    Pilots from around the world lifted off in 329 balloons .

  29. 将一次热气球旅行作为一个特别的惊喜。

    Organize a hot air ballooning trip as a special surprise .

  30. 一位喜爱登山和热气球运动的企业家回答说:太阳从西边出来!市场之手永无仁慈之念。

    The hands of market will never have mercy . Exercise .