
  1. 试论潘天寿美术教育思想的价值取向

    Value Orientation of Pan Tian-shou 's Educational Thought on Fine Arts

  2. 潘天寿接任国立艺专校长。

    Pan Tianshou becomes principal of the National College of Art .

  3. 论潘天寿及其作品的台州式硬气

    On Pan Tian shou and the Tai zhou Hardness of his Works

  4. 潘天寿对绘画很感兴趣,开始临摹知名小说中的插图。

    Interested in painting , Pan began by copying illustrations from popular novels .

  5. 潘天寿绘画艺术特点探析

    The Artistic Characteristic of PAN Tian-shou 's Painting

  6. 他对后来齐白石、潘天寿等人都产生过较大的影响。

    And he exerted great influence on later well-known Chinese painters like Qi Baishi and pan tian-shou .

  7. 正是出于这种思考,当年设计潘天寿纪念馆时,是以潘老生活过的青砖小楼为原型而延伸出来。

    We have built Pan Tianshou 's residence into a memorial house with the same old facade of grey bricks .

  8. 今天,新建的中国美术学院,又是根据潘天寿纪念馆的青砖石柱的基调阔展而来。

    China 's Academy of Fine Arts also retained this building tradition , as its new facilities all assume the familiar tone of grey bricks and stone pillars .

  9. 因此,在当今美术教育转型时期,潘天寿的美术教育思想对当代美术教育的变革与发展将具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。

    Accordingly , in the critical time of the conversion of the art education , Pan 's art educational view will undoubtedly offer reference for the innovation of contemporary art education .

  10. 文章开篇以王国维论文学高下的言论和潘天寿论艺术高下的言论为引子,介绍问题的缘起和启示。

    The author , beginning with the remarks about literature bourn by Wang Guowei and Pan Tianshou 's points about art , finds out the origin and inspiration for the paper .